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"Put me down you green jellybean!" Shrieks George through his own giggles and Dream finally releases his death grip, making sure not to move far away. George almost wishes he were closer again.

"George what the fuck are you doing here? Did Pandas put you up to this? Oh my god is this it now?" He gushes and George wheezes.

"Jesus Dream calm yourself- yeah I'm here a little early... I mean I hope that's ok with you- Sap said it was but I would rather have told you of course but it was going to be a surprise-" he was rambling now, brain tired and working overtime, but the others didn't seem to mind.

"Slow down Gogs" Dream replies with a lovely laugh. "Of course I'm glad you're here- would have been nice to be told... " he lobs a cushion at Sapnap who takes it to the face and pouts. "... but yeah... " he trails off and they simply stare at one another for a moment.

Dream clears his throat and they both laugh with the old ease of being over video call.

"It's nice to see you two weeks before expected, and besides, now we can start streaming together!"

George laughs a little uncertainly. "Yeah I think chat will go mental when they see I'm finally here"

"You really are here- George it's happening! You live with us now!"

They grin and Dream pulls him in again, slower and gentler this time. George's face presses against his chest as he just breathes in the sweet smell of his friend. He was enjoying this, just being held and hugged like he hadn't been in a long time... suddenly he pulls away and Dream let's him go, still smiling but with slightly knitted brows.

"Um, okay well I'm pretty tired I'm going to head to bed I think" George mumbles, nodding at them both and disappearing when they shrug and wave him goodbye. The other two exchange glances.

"Is he ok?" Says Dream and Sapnap manspreads.

"Yeah probably just a big day"

"Do you think he... does he like... does he think... ugh"

"Spit it out jelly bean" Sapnap says, mimicking George's British accent with little accuracy

"I'm just really glad he's here"

Sapnap grins as Dream pats him on the shoulder and heads back down to the basement. He is long gone when Sapnap stands and rolls his eyes,

"Yeah... I bet you are"


It was a lovely bed, warm with new covers and sheets, frame a deep oak with a fantastic headboard. In fact, his room had been entirely set up already, his gaming equipment by the window to allow for natural light, and his wardrobe already full (He was a bit of a neat freak and had naturally unpacked straight away) but, despite all this, George had been lying awake for some hours now. It was a lovely bed. But it wasn't his bed.

He rolls over and stares at the digital clock on his nearly empty bedside table. 2 fucking am. George rubs his dishevelled eyes and sits up, avoiding the light and exiting his room, nearly falling down the stairs in the darkness.

He enters the kitchen and flicks on the harsh light, blinking furiously as he searches for a kettle. Except there was no kettle- bloody Americans and their lack of utilities. He considers boiling some water in a pan but that seems just too weird, so instead he leans dejectedly against the counter and closes his eyes, just trying to breathe.

He hadn't expected to feel this homesick- not around his friends, but at this point all he wanted was his own bed, and his own bedroom, and his own mother. A single tear rolls down his cheek and he doesn't even bother to brush it away. He sniffles quietly and sighs, unaware of the second presence in the room.

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