Leave it

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It was incredible the amount of damage two extra people could do to the Dream team household in just one day. George loved Quackity, but the boy was loud and obnoxious, and Sapnap and Karl were insufferable.

They had decided to stream to announce the arrival which had seemed like a good idea at the time, but George had drastically underestimated chats ability to point out every time he even looked at Dream. The comments were a constant wave of shipping, and it was honestly starting to bother him.

They sat at Sapnap's desk, George and Karl in chairs with the other three leaning over as chat went wild.

Every time George glanced at the comments he felt dizzy, and that's when he felt a calming hand on his shoulder. Naturally the attempt to make him feel better triggered chat again and George found himself tensing and edging away from Dream.

DNF is real???
Awww George looks so flustered!!!
Lol gay
George just looked at Dream!
Someone play heatwaves...

George looks down at his hands, feeling an odd emptiness in his stomach. When he glances up under his eyelashes at the face camera he can see Dream standing stiffly. The blonde was much less bothered by the chat but George's reaction to the onslaught of attention was hard to miss.

Karl seemed to pick up on his friend's discomfort too, deliberately laughing loudly and leaning back into Sapnap, starting a round of 'Karlnap' comments. But the 'DNF' was relentless, and George felt sick even looking at it.

He leans away and blinks slowly, stupidly overwhelmed. It was weird to him that he could spend hours baking with Dream and enjoy every second, then sit in front of a camera and wish for all the distance in the world from his best friend. It was frustrating and painful, but George had had enough.

He glances subtly at Sapnap who raises his eyebrows then nods, beginning to wrap up stream. Feeling awful, George looks up to smile and say goodbye, flushing at more intimate comments that trigger the next round of 'he's blushing'. And now George had really had enough.

He pushes away from the desk the second the stream ends as the others chat, leaving Sapnap's room and heading downstairs to Dream's room, furthest from his friends and from chat. He knew his reaction was unwarranted, that the comments meant no harm but when his emotions were so touchy it felt wrong to have strangers dictate them for him.

George enters Dream's room and works not to slam the door, throwing himself onto the bed and burying his head in a pillow. He hadn't even realised he was crying.

"George?" A small voice appears around the door and George sighs.

"Georgie are you alright?"

Even the pet name was annoying him.

"Dream can I j-just have a minute?" He mumbles and Dream seems to pauses before slowly locking the door behind him and approaching, resting a hand against George's back and rubbing small circles there.

"Hey... it's over now. Was it chat? George you know they're just kidding around"

His lack of awareness irked George even more, and with his helplessness so raw, it was fast to turn to anger. He rolls over and sits up suddenly, ignoring the concern on his friends face as he scowls.

"It's alright for you! You don't care what people think of you! So much of my life is beyond my control right now and the one thing I can control is myself- but no" he curses, slapping his tears away and leaning away from Dream's touch. "I'm not asking for much, just the ability to dictate my own friendships and relationships. I just want my fucking freedom" he spits, turning away.

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