Chapter 7

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I started to text Cadan a lot after that. We would facetime a lot and I started to have one of those little kid crushes where there is no point but it brings you joy of liking someone. Soon after, he too got a girlfriend so I was done with him to. Nathan and his girlfriend broke up so I somewhat still had a chance. So this all brings us to now, the present. I have thought about cutting again and I think I am going to start again. I know my medicine, prozac, is suppose to make me happy but I feel it is doing just the opposite. A couple of days ago, at church, we watched a video about people betraying each other. Cathy, who used to be a good friend until she believed other people over me, hates me now but she was there. Bennett, the leader, asked us what we would do if we were betrayed. I said I would talk to the person and find out why they did what they did. On the other hand, Cathy raised her hand and said she wouldn't be their friend anymore and then looked right at me. A few days later, Erin said that Cathy told her it was directed towards me. I was so hurt but I didn't show my pain, I kept it bottled up. That was my first mistake. My stomach hurt for girl reasons, cramps, but I battled through that. I just want to be alone I thought. I texted my dad and asked if my brother, John, could come pick me up. I said I am having a bad day. He got very concerned and said I needed to explain, so I did. I said Cathy was mean, I didn't feel good at all, and that I just needed to be alone.

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