Chapter 1 • introduction 😍

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Bruce looked at his alarm clock, "7:00" he groaned. He had to get ready for school, he liked school yet it was a dread waking up. He got out of bed and hopped in the shower. He got out,got ready and packed his bag.

"Hurry up!" His little sister Amy yelled.

"Im coming!" He replied back.

He could hear them starting the car. he ran down stairs, grabbed a granola bar and headed out to the car where his mother and sister were waiting.

After finally saying goodbye to his mother, bruce started walking to the entrance before he was stopped by a familiar figure. bruce tried to go around the boy but it was crowded and he accidentally bumped into him. The taller blonde boy turned around, glaring at the shorter kid.

"You got a problem?" He scowled.

"I'm sorry Vance,but could you move?" Bruce replied.

Even though Vance never actually did anything to Bruce,he was still scared. He had heard rumors of him getting into knife fights and being put into jail for days sometimes. But that never made him treat vance differently.

"Yea whatever" Vance mumbled as he stepped aside.

Bruce ran past before he could say "thanks" he didn't want to be late to class, his period 1 teacher was a bit strict.

Vance usually ditched most classes but he came to some since his mom didn't want him missing anymore school. Most of his classes he had with Bruce, he usually sat next to him or behind him.
He slammed the door opened and sat into his seat for period 3, he was late. Bruce glanced at Vance as he was sitting down. "He has such pretty hair" Bruce thought. "Wait-what am i thinking he's a dude" he mumbled. Vance barely caught what he said.

"What?" He hissed.

"Nothing I didn't say anything" Bruce stammered.

"Alright please partner up with the person next to you for this assignment" the teacher stated.

Both Vance and Bruce looked at each other. "Okay well do you know what were talking about since you came in late?" Bruce asked

"Yeaaa no"  Vance told him.

They began talking about what they needed to do for the project. An hour passed by and class was over.

"You should come over to my house for the project" Bruce said "I have tons of art supplies"

"Yea sure" Vance responded .

After school ended bruce began to walk to the side of the school. That's most likely were he would find Vance.

"Hey!" Bruce shouted, walking up to Vance.

"Hey" Vance replied back.

"Here's my number incase you need to call me"
Bruce handed him his number on a piece of ripped paper.

"For the project right? Not because you want mee" Vance snickered.

Bruce began to blush "no way" he objected "just for the project" he said sternly

"Okay okay" Vance giggled

They parted ways after deciding they would start the project tomorrow. Vance got home and was greeted with a note on the fridge "have a late shift,love you. Mom" Vances mom worked late some nights to provide for his son. After Vance's father died it wasn't so easy to pay bills since they moved from France to Denver. (Yes vance is French 🥱) his father passed when he was just about 9 years old.

Bruce walked home and went to his room to do his homework,he kept thinking about Vance's hair. "Stop stop do your homework" he thought. After that he went to baseball practice. And still thought about Vance's hair. Weird enough Bruce wanted to do different styles on that boys hair. Bruce having a little sister he's learned some tips and tricks to hair when it comes to Amy.

Bruce soon goes to bed,yet still can't fall asleep. At the thought of his hair. he soon falls asleep around 12:00 dozing off to the sound of rain
My first story so sorry if it's not the best. The "incident" doesn't happen yet sorry loves 😃
Anyway I'll probably post some time soon after this. Hope u enjoyed 🫶🏼

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