Chapter 4 • hospital

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Bruce was still in shock of what had happened, he was in the lobby room waiting. Staring at his hands that once were covered in blood after washing his hands. He waited what seemed like hours when finally a doctor called him up.

"Yes? Is he okay?" Bruce asked

"He should be fine,he's lost a lot of blood though. Do you know your parents number?"

"Yes it's ****** . Thank you" Bruce replied

"You can come into his room, follow me. he's just sleeping"

"Ok,thank you again"

Bruce came out of the lobby and into a hospital room to see a sleeping vance. A pale sleeping Vance, his skin looked as if it were dead. But he was recovering,and that's all that mattered.
The doctor left and shut the door after asking a few questions to Bruce. He sat down next to Vance and stared at his features.
"He's got a really pretty face" Bruce thought
"Woah woah,no I'm just saying he looks nice as a FRIEND,no way"
Bruce was glad Vance was okay. He just sat there looking at Vance,his eyes,his hair,his nose,his lips. After a while his mother came in, her face looking like she'd sobbed for hours.

"Oh my goodness Bruce thank god your okay" his mother cried

"Mom, mom please be quiet he's sleeping" Bruce whispered

"I'm so glad your okay I thought id lost you, are you okay?" Bruce's mother hugged him tightly

"Mom I'm fine,what about Amy?"

"She's in the lobby getting snacks, who is this?"

"Vance,he's the one who got hurt,I think is mother might come soon"

As soon as Bruce said that the door slammed open, a blonde lady who looked a lot like Vance  in a uniform came in. Her face looking sad as his mothers.

"My baby, I'm so sorry" she wailed as she was walking to his bed.

"Hello ma'am, I'm sorry he got hurt" Bruce spoke

She didn't care to answer as she kept on sobbing looking at her son.

"Oh-I'm sorry hello" she spoke, wiping tears from her face.

They talked for a while and everything settled down. It's started getting late and Bruce had to leave. He quickly said goodbye to Vance's mother and left. He still had deep sorrow for Vance and his mother. He still thought it was his fault. The car ride was silent yet filled with uncomfortable sound. Once they got home Bruce took of his shoes and went to his room and plopped onto his bed. Not caring to change clothing, he thought about visiting Vance the next morning so he could see if he waked up.
Bruce fell asleep wrapped into his covers.
Amy was a little to young to understand what had happened but she slipped a card under his door saying "get better" thinking Bruce was sick. It was a little drawing of Bruce holding a bat.

"I think I did a pretty good drawing" she mumbled
Sorry I didn't post as fast this time. This chapter is a little shorter sorry 😍
Anyway hope you enjoyed bye 🫶🏼

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