Chapter 9 • denial

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It was past midnight, and Bruce had another dream. He was heavily breathing, surprised at the feeling of someone tugging his shirt.

"Go back to bed" Vance was half awake, laying on his side.

Bruce slowly laid down and tried shake his thoughts of the nightmare. He realized..where him and Vance sleeping together normal?
"It is its fine-he didn't have an air mattress." Bruce thought

"Why u staring?" Vance whispered with a smirk

Bruce had zoned out thinking of him and this boy sleeping in the same bed.

"I-I'm not" Bruce stammered

Vance just fell back asleep tossing and turning.
Bruce grabbed onto a blanket and fell back asleep.

Morning came and Bruce woke up to holding onto Vance's arm. Thankfully vance was still sleeping and Bruce let go.

Bruce went to the restroom, once he came back, Vance was awake.

"Wanna get something to eat?" Vance asked


They both agreed on a small diner and got ready.
It was a close walk, but the silence was uncomfortable.

"Yk last night?..." "you said..I was pretty" Vance trailed off

"Oh" Bruce just wanted disappear, he wish he never had said those things..ever
"I didn't mean it, not that your ugly, I your hair" Bruce though he sounded even more stupid

Vance wanted it to mean something...he didn't like boys..did he?

After getting there,they were seated to their table and began ordering. Talking and laughing like last night never happened.

"There's this party, you wanna come with?" Vance asked

"Yea sure" Bruce had gone to parties, but not teenage high school type. He was Excited to be going somewhere with a friend..friend?

"The person throwing it is a friend of mine" Vance added

After a while they payed and both walked to bruces house. They said their goodbyes and went their own ways. No one was home so bruce went up stairs and questioned himself.

"No I can't- I don't- do I?" He didn't know if he liked Vance- he was a boy... but he felt nervous and happy and embarrassed all at once with him. Even if he did like Vance-which he doesn't... his parents would kick him out..they don't accept "people like that" as his father says.

Bruce decided to just shake the thought and get ready for baseball practice, his mother came home once he was ready and they drove off, after they came back it was late and Bruce decided to take a shower.

Bruce was still thinking of Vance and last night.

"I haven't even known him that long" he pondered

Bruce was confused, he never really took interest in girls but this boy made him feel nervous and and couldn't think straight,happy and laughing all at once.

He went downstairs to watch TV and found Amy already hogging it

"Too bad" Amy teased

"Give it, you have it all the time" Bruce argued

They argued for a bit before Bruce finally got the remote, he put a show on and Amy was annoyed.

"You have a girlfriend like that boy on TV?" Amy asked, it was of a guy with some woman

"No" Bruce replied

"Why not" Amy added

"I don't know" Bruce admitted

"Well, can u do my hair?" Amy switched the topic pretty quickly, Bruce was glad.

"Get me candy and I will" bruce replied

"...fine" Amy ran to the pantry to get Bruce candy.

She gave him the candy and Bruce grabbed hair ties to do Amy's hair, after 30 minutes Amy was happily looking at herself in the mirror.

"Thank you" Amy exclaimed
(Sibling bond 💪)

It was getting late so Bruce went to bed. Still questioning if he liked Vance or not.

So so sorry I haven't posted in a while, I was sick 😨
Hope you enjoyed 🫡 and this is my first story like I said, sorry if it's a little cringe.

Bye see u next chapter 🫶🏼

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