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Roxanne sat silently in the chapel. Her father was dead. Roxanne couldn't understand why he had done it,she just remembered that horrible scene she found in his study. What am I supposed to do? I'm only 16,I needed you dad. How could you do this to us? Tears soaked the front of her black dress. She felt her mother wrap her arms around her,they were shaking and she could feel her tears falling onto her hair. Charlotte and Ryan seemed to be handling it better,but Roxanne could see in their eyes they were holding back tears for her and their mothers sake. Roxanne wanted it be over,to be a nightmare that she could just wake up from. But it was real,her guidance was gone,her father. Her father. Dad.

As they all stood beside the grave as Charlotte began to sing a hymn. Swing Low,Sweet Chariot. The rain began to pour,but Charlotte kept on singing. Roxanne always thought her voice sounded like a light in the mist. Her mother sat there silently,tears flowing down her pale face. Roxanne could see her mothers cheekbones for the first time,she was getting older. Roxanne wasn't sure how she'd continue to support the family,the stress would make things worse than they already were.

Hours later they all sat in the now full family home. Roxanne felt like she was but out into sympathetic cousins every time she moved. She didn't want to think about it,she just wanted to lock herself into her room and stay there forever. But she knew she couldn't. Halfway up the stairs she was body blocked by one of her cousins. "Bailey,move." "Not until we go to the oak tree and talk." Despite how annoyed she was Roxanne figured she'd go. After all,Bailey only wanted to go over to the Tree when she wanted to talk smack about a relative or gossip about who was her aunt Cheryl's new husband. They both booked it outside to avoid any annoying younger cousins who wanted to tag along. After a few minutes the made it to the tree. "Hey what's this?" Bailey asked,pointing to a note struck into the tree. Roxanne knew instantly,and snatched it before Bailey could get a look. "It's nothing,I probably left it out here." Roxanne wondered why Vic would leave a note,unless... "So did you see Aunt Rebecca's new dress? There's no way she paid for that! I bet her new boy toy did." Roxanne's thoughts were interrupted by her favorite thing. Gossip. She stuck the note into her pocket and joined Bailey under the tree.

9 Months Later
"I TOLD YOU,I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" Roxanne felt like she'd had this argument over and over again.
Victor was yelling even louder than she was. "THERE IS NO ONE ELSE,I AM SICK OF YOU FOLLOWING ME EVERYWHERE,AND HARASSING ANYONE I TRY TO TALK TO!" He stared at her hatefully. "Fine. But you'll come crawling back one day." Victor's voice sounded like a snake hissing before striking. Roxanne hated it. Receiving no rebuttal he turned away and skulked off,defeated. Roxanne couldn't believe how horrible he had become. Stalking was bad enough but to stalk her friends and harass them? Too far. She hoped he'd never see him again,but she knew he wouldn't give up so easily. She returned home,where her mother greeted her. "Roxanne,please get ready. The lawyer just called and your fathers finances have been sorted out for the will reading." Roxanne was shocked,she had totally forgotten about the will reading. The finances had been such a wreck she wasn't sure if there would be a will reading.

Roxanne rode silently with her mother into town towards the office building. Outside she saw Charlotte and Ryan waiting. Together,the walked the staircase to the room and sat down to wait for the lawyer. When he walked in,Roxanne scrunched her nose,he carried himself like he had better places to be and sounded annoyed at every question. Finally he opened his briefcase and pulled out a bunch of documents. Roxanne only half listened to what he was saying,until he said her name. "To my youngest Roxanne,I leave you with 20 million dollars. Spend it wisely,and pursue yourself." Roxanne almost collapsed out of the chair. 20 Million? It seems like so much,I forget how big the business truly was at one point. Outside,the rain began pouring again,but the clouds had become so dark you couldn't tell if it was day or night. Roxanne felt sick,
Just like it was at dads funeral.
The lawyer wrapped up the will,her mother got the house and the biggest cut of money,Ryan got the business and some money,Charlotte and Roxanne got chunks of money and some land. While Ryan and Virginia finished up with some more legal documents for the house and business,Charlotte offered to take Roxanne home.

The rain had become heavier,and Roxanne couldn't even see the road anymore.
Charlotte said that she had parked across the street,but where?
Roxanne made it to the curb,following Charlotte.
Charlotte stepped out.
She hadn't seen the vehicle oncoming.
Tires squeal.
Roxanne felt like a frozen deer,standing on the curb.

Snapping back into the reality she ran towards Charlotte. Or rather,what she thought was Charlotte. Her face was covered in scarlet and scrapes. The driver had fled,leaving Roxanne and a local to call the hospital. Roxanne sat there,silent and horrified.
She kept thinking about how her fathers face had looked when she found him in his study. She was frozen in terror,even when the medics arrived. It was too late. Charlotte was declared dead on arrival. Roxanne could hear her mother screaming her name,asking if she was ok,but it all felt fuzzy,like she wasn't there.
Wake up,I have to wake wake up. This can't be real.
The funeral was worse than her fathers,her mother had multiple mental breakdowns. Her brother was trying to keep everyone calm. Aunts blaming,cousins yelling,uncles trying control their wives. It was a mess and Roxanne hated every second of it. Instead of paying respects to her sister,they were arguing like children.
I can't live like this anymore.
I need to get out of here.
Out of this family.

Injustice Dies In Daylight: The Beginning Where stories live. Discover now