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Steve had driven us back to HQ in silence, but for once, it wasn't an awkward silence. We were both just lost in our own thoughts. When we got back, I followed him into his office and sat on the couch while he pulled his desk chair in front of me. 

Steve looked at me for a minute, deep in thought. Then, he leaned forward with his elbows on his knees and summed up the past year and a half in a nutshell. He told me about his dad, how he formed 5-O in the first place, the toolbox, Wo Fat, the money stolen from the locker, the previous governor's involvement and death, he told me everything. While he was talking, I barely interrupted him. I just gazed at the man in front of me, who I had definitely misjudged, who had been through so much. He kept his eyes focused on the ground, but when he was done, he finally looked up at me. For one second, his guard seemed to be down and I could see the storm in his eyes. The anger, the hurt, and the confusion. It was that haunted look in his eyes that made me reach forward and put my hand on his knee.

Immediately, he seemed to snap out of it. He let out a weak laugh and leaned back in his chair. "So, that's everything you need to be aware of, I think. Anything I need to know about you, Anderson?"

Before he could close up completely, I looked him straight in the eye and said, "Steve, thank you for sharing all of that with me. It can't be easy to relive, but I really appreciate it."

He nodded. "You kind of needed to know. My guess is we'll be dealing with Wo Fat again sooner rather than later."

There was silence for a couple minutes, then I hummed thoughtfully. "There's not much you need to know about me. Not much to tell, really. Born and raised in Pennsylvania. Dad left when I was really little and Mom chose to throw herself into work rather than focus on her only child, so as soon as I could, I left. Moved to New York, became a detective, here I am." I shrugged.

Steve watched me carefully. "It's tough feeling like because one parent was no longer in the picture, you suddenly lost both parents." I simply nodded, so he continued. "My mom died when I was ten. Car accident that may not have been an accident, which is what my dad became so wrapped up in that he sent my sister and I away to the mainland. I know he wanted to keep us safe, but I don't know if I agree with it."

"Yeah. I can't imagine having to make a decision like that." Another peaceful silence enveloped us for a minute. Then, I stood up. "Alright, back to work for me." Steve nodded.

I stood up and opened his office door, before I heard a quiet, "Hey, Jessica?" I whipped around. That was the first time Steve had ever used my first name. "I also just wanted to say thanks, ya know, for, uh," he cleared his throat, "listening, and opening up a little. It was, nice."

I grinned. "Anytime, Steve." I left his office feeling better than I had since my plane landed in Hawaii.


After we had to interrogate Kono, we found out she had been working under the radar for Captain Fryer, who was in charge of International Affairs. Later, Kono explained that it was either help Fryer out or risk losing her job as well as Steve's job if IA actually found out what happened when they stole the money from the locker to save Chin's life from that bomb all those months ago. 

All in all, we caught our guy, 5-O got Kono back, and I was on a better page with Steve. It turned out to be a pretty good day. I also loved Kono. At first I was nervous that she'd feel like I had replaced her when I found out she was on the task force right before me, but Kono introduced herself to me warmly and said she always loved the opportunity to work with more women who could help her break up Steve and Danny's bickering. 

In the afternoon, we all went to Kamekona's for shrimp. There was a lot of laughter, teasing, and jokes. Eventually the topic turned to surfing. Kono was currently retelling the hilarious story of her trying to teach Danny how to surf. I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard, but composed myself long enough to say, "Kono, I would love to learn how to surf! Can I go with you sometime?"

"Are you kidding me? Of course! What about you, Jenna? Wanna join?" Kono asked.

Jenna laughed. "Oh no thank you. I have no desire to ever attempt surfing, but thanks for the offer!" The conversation gradually drifted to a different topic, but I sat there silently. Earlier this morning, Jenna told me that she loved to surf when she lived in California. Did she lie to me? Why would she lie to me about something like that?

I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice it when Danny flung a piece of shrimp straight at my face. "Hey! Knock it off, Danno!" I yelled, but I had a smile on my face again. 

Danny just laughed, but Steve who was next to me, elbowed me lightly. "What are you thinking about so hard?" 

I looked up into his gorgeous blue eyes and had to shake myself slightly in order to form a coherent response. I still wasn't use to this new attitude towards me. "Oh, I'm honestly thinking about how I desperately need to go shopping. The only thing in my house right now are clothes, a mattress, and paper plates."

Steve laughed and turned his attention back to the conversation. I looked back at Jenna. I don't know why she lied to me, but boy, was I going to find out.

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