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Later in the afternoon, Kono took me surfing to get my mind off of things. Once we were tired, we sat on the beach for a while just soaking up the sun. The surfing had helped me to relax, so much so, that I blurted out the thought that had been running in the back of my mind all day.

"Steve and I kissed."

"What?" Kono nearly screamed. I explained what happened and she simply gaped at me. "Well? Are you dating?" she asked.

Now it was my turn. "What? Kono! He's my boss and one of my closest friends! We can't date!"

"But you kissed!"

"So? We were tired and it had been an emotional day." I repeated what we had said the night before.

"But you liked it!"

"So?" Then I realized what she had said. "What? NO! I didn't!" Kono was giggling beside me and I groaned. "Konooooo, I can't like him."

"There's no harm in liking him, Jess. So what if he's technically your boss? You said it yourself, you're more friends than coworkers." She reasoned.

"I don't know Kono. I don't think it would ever work and I'm sure it meant nothing to him." I sighed.

"He kissed you right?" She asked.

"Well, yes, but I didn't exactly stop him."

"Girl, he likes you."

"Things are going to be weird Kono! I can't date him, we work together! I don't want to ruin our friendship, we're just going to pretend it never happened." I said.

"Yes, because that will work." She muttered under her breath. I ignored her comment and laid down on my beach towel and closed my eyes.

In the evening, she drove me back to Steve's house. "Good luck in there, brah. Sounds like you're really fighting for your life." She winked at me as I got out of the car.

I rolled my eyes but I had a smile on my face. "Shut up, Kono," I laughed. We waved goodbye and I walked into the house. 

Steve was sitting in the living room working on his computer. "Hey, you! How was surfing with Kono?"

"Super fun, but I feel gross. I'm going to get in the shower," I told him. 

He nodded. "When you get out, I made us some pasta. And I believe we have some cookies to bake."

I grinned and ran upstairs. I went into the bathroom and was about to take my swimsuit off when a hand suddenly clapped over my mouth and a needle went into my neck. Everything went black.


My head felt heavy as I opened my eyes, my vision blurry. I tried to move my arms to wipe my eyes, but I noticed I was tied to a chair. I blinked rapidly and found myself in a dark cement room, the only light coming from a small window towards the ceiling. My heart pounded, but I took deep breaths to calm myself down and assess the situation. I wiggled my hands and feet to determine the strength of the rope tying me. It was tight, I could barely move. 

Before I could do anything else, the door opened and I squinted at the light that came pouring in. "Hey, love." I froze as I recognized the voice. 

"Hey, Wayne." I tried to answer my ex-boyfriend evenly, as if I had no care in the world. "How's life been treating you?" I wasn't expecting the punch to my face. I grimaced. "That well, huh?" I coughed out.

He punched me again and I let out a small groan as I could feel blood start to come out of my nose. "You got a mouth on you all the sudden. You used to be so scared of me. I'm going to have to break you in again." He pulled my hair back so I was looking at him.  My response was to spit in his face. "Fine." He whispered and nodded to someone behind me. Before I could look, I felt the sharp pinch of another needle in my neck and I fell unconscious again.

This time when I woke up, my head felt like it was on fire. I couldn't help but scream. The door opened and again, in walked Wayne. "What do you want?" I gritted out. 

"I want to cause you as much pain as you caused me when you left me." He growled.

"Do what you want. I'm not afraid of you anymore." I spit out, trying to summon as much courage as I could, even as the burning spread from my head into my chest and stomach.

"Hmm." Wayne hummed. "Let's see how fiery you are when your little boyfriend has to watch you be tortured." I tried not to let my face give anything away, but I know he saw the flash of fear that crossed over my features as he let out a loud laugh. He left the room but came back with a laptop. He set it on a table in front of me and turned on the camera. I grimaced as I caught sight of myself. My face was blotchy with darkening bruises, my neck was red from where the needle had gone in twice, and I was covered in sweat and dirt.

"Call Commander Steve McGarrett." Wayne instructed one of the men who had followed him in. The skype call rang once before Steve appeared on the screen along with Danny, Chin, and Kono. I could tell they were at HQ. 

"Who is this?" Steve's voice rang out loud and firm. 

"It doesn't matter, Commander." Wayne responded and he moved behind me so he could stroke my cheek as he talked. I squirmed away from him, which earned me a punch to the gut from one of the men who were standing by the door. I bent over, coughing. 

"Jess!" I heard the panicked voices of my team and I straightened up trying to keep up a brave face. 

"What matters is that I have your Jessica here and you get to watch as I break her." Wayne snarled.

Steve didn't respond to him. "Jess, hey. Hang in there okay? We're going to find you, we're going to get you back. I promise, Jess. Just hang in there." Steve said with so much certainty that I almost believed him.

"I'm okay, Steve..." I was cut off as another punch landed across my face. I took a deep breath and sat up again, just in time to see the needle coming back at me again. "No!" I screamed, writhing away from the needle, which of course did nothing. It went into my neck again and I started to fall unconscious as I heard Steve screaming, "Stop! What are you giving her? Leave her alone!"

My whole body ached and burned when I came to yet again. I could barely see straight and I felt dizzy and sick. When Wayne came back into the room again, I couldn't get my eyes to focus on him. "We had to hang up on your boyfriend, love. Sorry, he was getting annoying but we'll try again later." I didn't react. 

He wound up to punch me again when suddenly, we heard shots from down the hall. Wayne looked between me and the door before screaming in rage and opening the door to go see what was happening. Right as he did, several bullets hit him and he fell to the ground, dead. My vision was so blurry, but I could've sworn I saw Steve's face appear in the doorway. "Steve?" I croaked out.

"Jess! We found you, I told you we would find you. Oh my gosh, look at you...you look great!" He tried to joke as he cut the ties from my wrists and ankles. I laughed, which quickly turned into a cough, which then turned into me turning away from Steve and vomiting on the ground. "Oh, sweetheart. What did they give you?" He questioned, more to himself, as he held my hair back until I was done. 

Then, he swooped me up into his arms and I sighed as his incredible smell calmed me down immediately. I started to slip back into unconsciousness as I heard Steve saying, "I've got you now, Jess. You're safe, I've got you."

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