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You're right. Fires don't happen by accident. 

I stared at the text that had come through on my phone. We had just gotten back from finishing our case which had gone very quickly and smoothly. I was sitting in my office filling out some paperwork when the text had come through. Another one followed almost immediately.

You know who this is. 

A third text came through.

You thought moving across the country would protect you from me? You're wrong.

I stood up so fast, my chair flew back against the wall. My vision blurred from tears and I started to hyperventilate. I threw the phone across my office to land on the couch and hugged myself, trying to calm down. I didn't know what to do. How did he find me?

"Hey, Jess, I need your opinion on...whoa, what's going on? What happened?" Steve's voice snapped me out of it and my teary gaze met his. My breathing was still coming way too fast, I couldn't get any words out. Steve made his way over to me and started to rub his hands up and down my arms. "Hey, calm down Jess. Calm down. Here, come here." He guided me over to the couch and pulled both of us down. He sat normally, while I pulled my legs up under me and leaned into him. He cradled my head against his chest so I could hear his steady heartbeat as he whispered soothing things to me. Finally, I was able to breathe again. "Jessica? Can you tell me what happened?" he asked, still quietly and slowly, trying not to freak me out again. I simply pointed at my phone that was next to him. 

He went to hand it to me but I shook my head. "Look at my most recent texts." He did and I watched his facial expression morph into concern.

"Jess...who is this?" He whispered, still looking at the messages. When I didn't respond, he turned to look at me and the concern faded into anger. "Jess. Who. Is. This." 

I looked down. "Ex-boyfriend."

He took several deep breaths to calm himself down then reached under my chin to tilt my head up so I was looking at him. "Why didn't you tell me?" 

I hated the sadness that had dripped into his voice and I moved my chin out of his gentle grip. "I was embarrassed..."

"Babe, what?" He asked, confused.

"He was abusive as you probably guessed. But I stayed with him for two years. I don't know why I did, maybe because he manipulated me into thinking I couldn't do better, I don't know. But I just didn't try to get out of it and learned to hide all signs of it really well. Didn't think it was possible to get out of it until my job set me up with a new position in Hawaii. Took my chance and left while he was gone one day. Here I am, thinking I would be able to get away from him." I explained.

"J...look at me." Steve whispered. I didn't want to, I didn't want him to ask the questions everyone always did. 'Why didn't you just leave?' "Jessica Anderson. Look at me." His stern tone made me look up at him. His intense gaze held me there. "You don't ever have to be afraid to tell me something. I won't think less of you no matter what. You are so strong for going through that and I'm so sorry you had to go through that. But you're not alone in this anymore. I'm not going to let him get to you."

"Steve, he already found my house, he must be following me somehow, he even knows I was at your house last night, read the first message! He heard me say I didn't think the fire was an accident!" My voice rose in hysteria. 

"Hey...you guys okay?" Danny's voice came from the doorway and I looked up. This was probably quite the sight for him to see. Me, a crying mess, curled up in a ball against SuperSEAL.

Steve looked down at me. "Jess, we're going to have to tell the team. They need to know what we're dealing with." I sighed and nodded. He looked back to Danny. "Go call Chin and Kono, then we'll explain."

Everyone gathered in my office and I explained the whole situation, with Steve rubbing my back the whole time offering what little comfort he could. After I finished, the other three went to go talk to HPD and find out what they could from my house last night. I leaned against Steve again. I was exhausted, but terrified. 

He could see I was fighting sleep and laughed quietly. "Take a nap here, J. You're exhausted." I shook my head and whined a little as he moved away from me to stand up. "Hey, I'll be right in my office. I won't leave you alone, I promise." 

Finally, I nodded and leaned back into the couch. He smiled at me and dropped a sweet kiss on my forehead before leaving my office. From where my head was positioned I could see Steve at his desk, which brought me enough comfort to close my eyes and fall asleep.

Steve McGarrett x OCWhere stories live. Discover now