A View In The System

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Background on the story
This book takes place in 2600.
Canadian and Mexico became a part of America in 2432 and in 2500, the United Revolution split America into 4 countries, The East, Mercai (North) The Valence Kingdom (South) and The United West.
This story takes place in The Valence Kingdom.

20% of the people were extremely rich while 79% were living in poverty. The 1% were the elitists, who controlled everything and everyone.

There were two rebel groups. The main one being The Liberation. They want to kill off the elitists and get up the poverty numbers, they had no interest of ruling and wanted the people to make the government.

Aria Knight was going to be an elitist on her 21 birthday, when she was crowned queen.

Xavier Woods was The Libertarian's leader.




I never went out of my way to do the job any one of my men could do. But this time was different.
It was time to kill Aria Knight. Heir to the Valence Throne.

This is the moment I had worked my ass off for.

As a kid, I've had one goal. It's always been to get rid of the people in charge. I always complete my goals, and my only goal was to kill the elites.
They ruined my life, threw my father's away like trash, murdered my mother,and left me and my brother alone for our whole childhood.
All because of the elites.

So now it's time kill off the princess and her mother, the queen, right after Princess Aria's coronation. The plan is to kill her in front of her father, who she thinks is dead.
I locked King Herald up a year ago because he didn't deserve the peace of death. The rest of the country thinks he dies in a car crash.

There was a car crash alright, but not with him in it.

Don't get me wrong, I am still going to kill him, but right after I kill his most precious possession, his daughter.

I swore I would make him hurt the way he made me and my family hurt, so that's exactly what I'm going to do.

"Xavier." That was my brother. "Are you sure you want to do this yourself? We can just get someone to go get her and you can still kill her in front of her father."

"No Axle. You know I need this. I'm going to make her life miserable until her death."

"You can make her miserable here."

I was going to go whether he liked it or not.
This was my only reason for living, to see that little attention seeking spoiled princess beg for mercy.

She was born with everything. Shes never had to do a single damn thing in her whole life, and yet, she's up there, an elitist. Well, almost.
Everyone else was born with nothing. They were worked to death for hardly anything. They lived in dirty houses or no house at all. They went hungry every night, not knowing when their next meal would be.

This was my chance at revenge, to get back everything I never had as a kid. To get back at everything that was token away from me.


"Aria." I knew the voice.

"Yes, mother?" I said sweetly. I already knew what she was coming up for.

"Aria, are you ready? This gala is very important, especially with your coronation coming up."
"I'm ready mom," I said trying not to roll my eyes.

She sighed. "Aria where are your dresses? Have you even showered yet? You look like a mess."
"I was just about to do that."

She sighed again. "Your almost 21. It's time for you to start taking these seriously."
"I am."

"You also need to start thinking about getting married"

"I know." I did not want to get married.

"I found a great guy for you. Prince Harrison. He's the prince from the Eastern side of the country."

"The Eastern Side?"


"But mom, The East is our enemy. Why would I get married to our rival country for the last 200 years?"

"It's time to reunite our countries. It would be for the best, for our country and our people."

"This is so unfair. Why can't Grace do something for once and marry him. "

"You know exactly why." She snapped.

"That was your mistake, not mine! She would've been a great ruler and you took that away from her too."

Mom and dad have kept her hidden her whole life. My father wanted a son. They thought I was going to be a guy, someone in my fathers eyes 'worthy of being the ruler.'

I used to try and make him proud, but then I realized I could never, because I was his disappointment child.
The unwanted one.

They decided that since the lie had been going on for so long, they couldn't tell the country about Grace. So even though Grace is older then me, I was going to become the next face of the country.

"Sweetie I know your father didn't act like it, but he was always so proud of you, he just had a hard time showing it."

Sure he was.

But I still have to do this, for mom. It's my role as leader.

"I'll do it mom." I forced out the words.

"That's my girl. Your father would be proud."

"Sure." It's not like I had much of a choice anyways.

"Great." She started walking away. "I love you sweetie."

"I love you mom."

"Oh and Aria?" She paused. "I hired you a new personal guard."

"I don't need a guard."

"Aria, there have been more threats and the rebels have nearly doubled in size. I'm not taking any chances."

"He probably is a rebel."

"Aria, baby, listen to me just this once, don't scare him off like your last guards, ok?"

I didn't say anything.



"Great." She started walking out. "Make sure you look your best, there are very important people here that you need to impress before you're queen."

Before I could reply, she was gone.

I turned around. There were two beautiful dresses on my bed. I knew they cost a fortune too.
One was a pale blue color. It was flowey and delicate. This was the dress I would normally wear to events like this. Modest and simple. The other dress was a ruby red.

A beautiful bold red.

I've never cared much for these galas, they're all the same to me, but with my coronation around the corner, maybe it's time for me to get some allies.
I put it on.

Ok, I'm ready.

Hi guys!
This is my first book so if you could vote and comment your feedback I would greatly appreciate it!

Enjoy the book!

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