The Gala

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I'm supposed to meet the queen about the guard position right after the gala. I walked into there looking sharp. No way was I going to fuck this up.

The doorman looked at me. "Sir, identification?"

"Xavier Bly." I said. "The princess's personal guard." I handed him my fake identification card and the letter the queen sent me. Two guards patted me down.

"Alright, your good to go."

I just nodded and walked in.
Damn. They weren't kidding when they said the gala was going to be fancy. Never once in my life would I ever waste money on such a stupid thing.

"Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen" A loud voice said. I turned around.

"May I now present, Princess Aria Knight." Everyone faced towards her and gave a polite applaud.
Here we go.
She walked down the steps. I hate to admit it, but she is pretty. She had her long hair pulled into a bun and with big brown eyes, she looked gorgeous. But she wasn't wearing a ton of makeup like everyone else in this room. She wore a red dress that made her look stunningly confident.

An hour later, all she had done was make small talk with the guests.

Ok, time for me to embarrass her in front of all her fancy little friends.

She was laughing with a girl that looked to be around her age. They seemed to be close friends.

I cleared my throat. "Excuse me, princess?"

She turned around.


"May I have this dance?"

"Oh! Of course!" I held out my hand as she slipped hers into it. I pulled her onto the dance floor.

This was gonna be way too easy. She's so gullible. I almost laughed. Almost. She was so stupid she probably thought I was hitting on her.
I spun her around and around, getting lost in the music for a second, forgetting about everything else. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a musician. How did my life get so fucked up?

Ok focus Xavier the song was going to end soon
I spun her around one more time, but this time I held out my leg and she fell right into the waiter who was carrying the wine.

The wine spilled all over her. Her dress was soaked.

She had a shocked expression on her face, but only for a moment because her eyes were blazing with anger.
She stood up.

"What did you do that for??" She shouted.

More people started staring.

I shrugged. "Why'd you bump into my leg?"

"Are you serious? Did you ask me to dance so I'd fall into the wine??"

I smirked. The whole room was now staring. "What, You thought I actually wanted to dance with you?"

She looked shocked for a minute but then she walked right up to me and stared me dead in the eye, her dress still dripping wine.

"You probably think your all that, huh? It's so funny that you tripped the princess. Just hilarious." She glared at me with the deadliest look I've ever seen.

She chuckled. "I didn't even want to go to this stupid gala anyways. It's just a bunch of rich, people like you who will do anything for attention."

This was golden. She was up here embarrassing herself in front of everyone.

I smirked again. "I'm not the one taking a wine bath."

"You tripped me!"

I leaned in and whispered, "I think you said that too loud."

She looked around and noticed that everyone in the room was staring at her and her little tantrum.

This was going to be a lot funner then I thought.

The Guard's PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now