screw you guys im going home

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"y-y-y-n... i really like you a l-l-lot. will you please g-g-go out with me" "jimmy look your cool. but it's a pass" "what about t-timmy"
"livin a lie livin a lie timmy" "i just cant sorry"
they look upset.... god i hate this. i try and settle down for myself maybe even 1 person and i have the whole school trying to fuck me.
i just.... need..... sleep....

that was it... it's all dark.


"female. name y/n l/n. age unknown. multiple fake ids. one school id. bp good. heart rate. skipping."
"huh" "good morning sunshine" "where am i" "the hospital, you passed out in the hallway at school" she smiled at me. i'm assuming it was a nurse taking care of me.

i saw multiple missed calls.
wendy called 8 times. kenny 6 my sister 5.
"Y/N OMG WHERE ARE YOU" "the hospital... come get me" "which one. kenny has been flipping shit. the teacher caught him trying to sneak out like 18 times now." "im at the only hospital known to man in south park" "actually y/n your in fairplay.... south park was full." "kenny she's at fairplay hospital" "KENNY YOU CANT... he's gone" it was the teacher.
"ugh my stomach hurts... and so does my back" "tell them about it that could be what's causing the problem. i have to go the teacher is looking at me" she hung up.

it's been an hour. "y/n my dear baby" my mom and kenny.
"so you have stomach and back pain.... any chance your pregnant?" "PREGNANT?" my mom shouted and looked at kenny. "no not me"kenny spoke muffled. "no. im on my period"
"there's the problem. your uterus. is really irritated. making the cramps you can't feel because your going through a medical overdose. you said you took 8 pills just in the morning before collapsing.... good news you'll be able to go home... in 3 days. after we can know that all the pills are out of your system. your on day 2 out of a 5 day period. by then you'll be off and ready to go home. but i will prescribe birth control for the pain" the nurse spoke. "mom will you be staying here?" "im afraid i cant" she looked worried before looking at kenny in the corner of her eye.
"he can. he's an adult" "perfect" she spoke.
"i'll be back with blankets and pillows. if you have time to come back. you can bring her more blankets and pillows maybe even things to keep her entertained" the nurse smiled and left.
"kenny. watch her for me" my mom spoke smiling before leaving.
"18 times huh" "yeah but i got out on the 19th" he laughed muffled.

it was the next day....
"ow fuck" i held my stomach.
not even 2 hours later a male nurse came back " what hurts more the stomach or back" "my back" "we will just wait and see"
and just left. no meds nothing. just left.
"i forgot to ask. anything to drink or eat" "oh yeah. can i have a steak or something" kenny asked. "drink?" "dr.pepper" "i'll have the same" "1 steak. 1 dr.pepper. i'll put it in" and he bolted.
......DO I NOT FUCKING MATTER. fucking health care man.
kenny got his food almost immediately. "can i?" "no" and left.
"this is such fucking bullshit. i'm fucking starving" i spoke.
i watched kenny press the nurse button and it took him 30 minutes of not coming.
he pressed it again.
"what do you need" "i would like to put out another good order" "oh what can i get you sir" "the same exact thing" "alright give me 10 minutes" and just like that more food was coming.
"here you go sir" he handed the food directly to kenny. "mhm" was all kenny said.
as soon as he left. kenny gave me the food. "thank you" i smiled.
i was peacefully eating until i heard very aggressive walking....
"my poor y/n... oh your eating good" it was my mom.
"eating no that was supposed to be for him. i'm not going to serve you food" "i think the fuck you will" all it took was my mom to look at him.
"nurse what are you doing. we don't tolerate sexism. and in front of the director much less.....y/n when was the last dose of pain meds" the doctor looked at me. a pretty heavy set man. "when the female nurse was here" "so last night at 2am. it's now 12pm. it should have been given at 5 am and then again at 9 and shoukd have been given another dose at 1"
"and yet you wouldn't even let her eat.... only the only man in the room. for what reason" he doctor looked at him.... "because um" "because she's a female. this is the 5th women you have done this to. go find another hospital. your out." i watched the nurse walk away. "y/n would you like one now or in a hour." "now" he put a little syringe in my bag of clear liquids.
" i'm going to give you a ultra sound front and back. just on your lower back."

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