Whitestone Industries at your service

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One day, K

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One day, K.K. gets a mission from her neighbor as usual. However, Bai Yi and Che aren't around to "help out" this time, so K.K. feels a bit off...

"That'll be 300 Discoins! Thanks, boss!"

K.K. takes out an account book from her pocket and crosses out the last to-do item for the day.

Then, with no time to mind her sweaty stench, she carefully counts the day's income.

Two thousand, three thousand, three thousand five hundred...

After counting and entering the day's income into Whitestone's account book, K.K. frowns in confusion.

Maybe she made a mistake. She rubs her temples and double checks the entire month's income two more times.

"There's no mistake..."

But how is this possible?

Excluding all the necessary living expenses, she actually has a surplus for the first time!

There's even enough to repay a month's worth of rent from the six months they owe!

For the first time ever, Whitestone Industries has turned a profit at the end of the month!


Unfortunately, this unprecedented achievement did not keep K.K. happy for long. After a brief moment of joy, she instantly realizes the reason behind this month's profit.

K.K. flips through the account book without saying a word, the corners of her mouth twitching uncontrollably.

The reason is clear: They have a profit this month because those two idiots aren't home! Thus, all the usual fines and booze money had been saved.

After reaching this epiphany, K.K. starts grinding her teeth in fury.

Those two claimed to have gotten a big mission from the Legion, and ended up vanishing for almost a week!

With all the loan sharks, revenge seekers, and bill collectors crowding Whitestone's doorstep, one could be forgiven for thinking they were holding a concert! What grave misfortune it was to get mixed up with those two idiots.


Though she's trembling in rage, K.K. still answers the comms immediately when it rings.

"Hi there, Whitestone Industries..."

"Hello? Are you... K.K.?"

K.K. sighs inside her head upon hearing the old lady's familiar shaky voice.

Ten minutes later.

At a busy street corner, K.K. is gazing at a fat orange cat high up on a tree branch.

"It's getting dark! Time to go home!"

The last ray of sunset gilds the cat's orange head. The creature shivers from the cooling temperature.

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