Paintball [1]

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It was 6 in the morning when Krystal's voice came over the loudspeaker loud enough for all the campers to wake up suddenly

Kristal《wake up campers! I ask you to come downtown immediately, this morning I have a fantastic challenge for you!》

The boys came out with sleepy expressions from the houses with their pajamas still on

Ally 《Who knows what Krystal will have in mind today》
Hunter《hope nothing too tiring, I'm literally sleeping on feet》
Yul 《I hope something not too boring, I need to vent》
Kristal 《Good morning campers! Hope you guys are active today》
Hunter 《not at all》
Kristal 《Perfect! because today we will play paintball!》

Everyone complained immediately except Yul who was happy at the idea of ​​venting against the others

Kristal 《the two teams will have to hit the members of the opposing team with paintballs, the first person to find the flag hidden in the woods will make their team win as well as have immunity. Questions?》
Lake 《Can we have breakfast?》Kristal 《No. now Aiden, Tess, Maggy Lake and Kai you will be team 1 and James, Ally, Hunter, Yul and Rosa will be team 2. Now arm yourself and let's start the games!》

All the boys quickly made their way to the boxes where the ammunition was to take the best ones

James 《I can sing about you won't shoot me right?》
Aiden《I wouldn't count on it》
《Let's go mate》
《Mmm... will you let me use your phone later?》
《because yes》
《ok, if you really want》
《Ok then I might as well think about it》
《I take that as a yes》
Kristal 《well then let the games begin!》

Everyone scattered randomly around the woods looking for the guys from the opposing team. Aiden and Lake went to the middle of the woods, Maggy and Key the outer parts of the woods and Tess wandered around casually. He would never admit it, but he was looking for Ally and Hunter to spend some time with them.

Yul was silently hiding behind a bush, as soon as the moment was right he hit Lake, while Aiden managed to dodge the blow.

<Lake was eliminated>

Aiden quickly ran away for safety. Lake yelled at Yul as he laughed wickedly

Yul 《1 out, 4 left》

Ally, Tess and Hunter met after half an hour from the game begin

Ally 《I'm happy to see you Tess, but now we're enemies, you'll have to hit yourself》
Tess 《Hit me then》
《but I cant》
《do it together to my 3, 1  2  3》

Ally and Tess hit each other

<Tess and Ally was eliminated>

They started laughing after which they hugged leaving Hunter confused

To be continued

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