Story 2: Stereo Light

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I down my glass of water after I choked down my cough medicine. The vile stuff. I'm sixteen, and still can't handle the taste of cough syrup. I should be downing Jack right now. I filled my glass more, and took another swig from the bottle of cough syrup.

"Fuck." I rasped under my breath. I took another drink of water.

I've heard that if you drink enough cough syrup, you can hallucinate. I figured since my parents kept their pills and alcohol locked away n their room; this was my only option to experience anything remotely fun. I decided to chug it down almost all the way. I didn't want to die. Surprisingly it wasn't so bad after that. The flavor had somewhat become nearly bearable.


The clock on the stove read, the light of the numbers was so bright in the absolute darkness. The wood floor of the kitchen was cold, nearly freezing without socks on. My feet would somewhat stick to the wood, making it noisy to walk about the kitchen.

I made my way back to my bedroom. Passing the dining room, and making my way through the obstacle course that was my living room. The carpet warmed mt feed as I made my way through. I stopped momentarily to feel the carpet with my feet. Eyes closed I massaged the carpet with my toes free of all thoughts. It was at this moment that I noticed how completely silent and still the house was. I couldn't hear anything but my own soft breathing.

I opened my eyes and looked down at my feet. I could barely make out what looked like my little sisters toy truck. I would've walked right into it if I hadn't stopped. I picked it up and moved it aside, so that I could make my way to the stairs.

I stood at the bottom of the stairs for what seemed like hours. Staring into the gradient darkness that engulfed the staircase. I'm not afraid of the dark. I'm afraid of what's in it, if that makes any sense. My fear has more to do with the mystery. My palms begin to sweat, as I make my way up the stairs. Slowly ascending and making sure of my footing, I make my way up it. I dash into my room. The light still on, I sit on my bed and grab my sketchpad.

As I began to draw, my mouth became, soft and dry. I was starting to get cottonmouth. My face became cold and sweaty, my head was spinning and buzzing like a swarm of bees. The skull I had drawn began to become hazy, as things began to slow down. I reached for my lamp to turn it off, but I knocked it over, and it unplugged from the wall. The room became dark.

My heart was pounding. I could feel it all throughout my body. The boom booms of my heart rippled all throughout my chest and head. Momentarily breaking the silence, but not quelling the fear. I slumped off of my bed onto the floor, to examine the lamp. I slowly focused on the bulb. Shattered.

There was no light now. Except for the irritating blinking of my stereo. One pulse per second. Casting a radiant blue light over the pitch black room. My closet was jarred open, by something that I couldn't see. The darkness was too potent. I tried getting up, and the cough syrup wasn't helping me.

I flopped myself onto my bed. Panting like a dog, and sweating profusely. Looking onward, to my closet, I saw a silhouette. It looked like a man, but I dismissed that thought, because I had hung my jacket up there earlier this morning.

I lay there, staring emptily at the ceiling, or the dark void where the ceiling is for a few minutes. I noticed how silent it had become. The fan that was usually running on low, was off. I Hadn't shut it off, and the light on the stereo was still blinking; so there must'v still been power. The silence grew louder with every second that passed.

I noticed something moving out of the corner of my eye. The silhouette that was in the closet had disappeared. My heart sank and my blood ran cold. A cold sweat ran over me. My muscles stiffened and I squinted my eyes shut, breathing shallowly. I could feel it. I knew something was there. I could sense it lumbering around, staring at me. I fought an instinctive urge to stay paralyzed, although it wouldn't help me; and sat straight up to look the demon in the face.

Nothing. Nothing but darkness, and the blinking of the goddamned light.

I lay back down, almost slamming my head onto the pillows as I did. I opened my eyes too look up at the ceiling, bit instead I was staring into the piercing empty eyes of my nightmare. It said nothing to me. All I know is I woke up in this ward the day after that; And that my family was no where to be found.

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