what they would do if you were in love with each other

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Tony Stark:
- too many gifts
- wayy too many
- so much physical touch bc he needs to know that you're okay
- a little overprotective bc of the events of Iron Man 3
- it's a little annoying but you get it and you do everything you can to reassure him and keep out of trouble
- you have more bodyguards than him
- him letting you/asking you to help out with his projects so you two can spend more time together
- finding edits of him on the internet and showing him and you both laughing bc they're so ridiculous

Steve Rogers:
- he draws you
- a lot
- in every perspective he can think of/find
- slow dancing to old music
- going on museum dates
- stargazing
- wants to try your hobbies even if he wouldn't normally be interested or doesn't understand it (i.e. video games)
- teaches you self-defense so he knows you're safe when he's not around
- worries that what he does will get you hurt and sometimes being more avoidant because of it

Natasha Romanoff:
- is kind of distant at first
- really scared of people using you to threaten her
- eventually she's more secure about it
- absolutely no pda for your safety but she's so lovey and snuggly in private
- teaches you how to use a weapon of your choice to defend yourself
- loves to cook for and with you
- shares her clothes (if you're the same/similar size)
- many kisses when she gets back from missions
- sings to you in Russian

Clint Barton:
- so much banter
- hugs from behind
- absolutely terrified that you'll get hurt but he never shows it
- teaches you to shoot arrows because you asked him to but also hand-to-hand combat because he thinks it's more practical
- takes so many pictures with and of you
- also handcrafts frames for them
- lets you wear his clothes alllll the time

Bruce Banner:
- coffee dates
- super careful around you
- whenever you fight he sleeps on the couch
- gets Steve to teach you self-defense bc he doesn't really know much fighting
- teaches you how to make cool stuff and shows you what happens when "x" interacts with "y"
- extremely cuddly
- you watch so many rom-coms together
- occasionally avoids you after missions but most of the time he's all cuddles and kisses while you make him soup

- treats you like royalty
- he's often gone between Asgard stuff and Avengers stuff but he makes up for it with gifts from his travels and physical touch of all kinds ;)
- he listens to your music even if he doesn't really get the appeal
- tends not to think about you getting hurt but sometimes he'll have nightmares about it
- gets really disturbed by them and teaches you a few defense skills (i.e. the best place to punch people)
- not very good at cooking but knows where your favorite takeout is and brings it when he visits

- sophisticated pet names (darling, dearest, etc)
- teaches you magic to protect yourself
- worries that he's gonna mess up and hurt you with his icy powers
- not a very touchy person but they cuddle you when you're sad
- just wants to give you everything she possibly can
- worries that he's not good enough for you constantly but knows that their concerns are unfounded in truth (because you tell her)

Bucky Barnes:
- is extremely afraid he'll hurt you
- so many kisses all the time
- hugging you any time he possibly can
- takes note of the little things that make you happy and tries to do them or make them happen more often
- dancing (all forms of it)
- takes pictures of everything all the time
- both of you comfort each other after nightmares
- watching old movies together
- makes you feel better foods when you're sick
- constantly saying "I love you" or "you know I love you right?"

Sam Wilson:
- jokes a lot
- many kisses and snuggles but also many fist-bumps and high-fives
- the fist-bumps and high-fives are mainly in public bc he's not a big pda person
- secretly terrified someone will hurt you
- amazing cook. the best ever.
- if you get really into something he'll do some research of it and talk to you about the obscure stuff you both learned
- going running together (and getting ice cream after)
- makes sure you have things to defend yourself with in an emergency

Peter Parker:
- doesn't know how to confront his feelings
- screams into his pillow a lot bc he doesn't know what else to do
- many kisses and many cuddles
- makes you tea when you feel sick
- swinging around the city
- SAFELY. he has a harness thing that holds you near him
- both nerding out over the same stuff
- teaching you how he blocks punches and kicks
- tries to keep your relationship secret (not very good at it)
- so many stuffed animals. your bed is full and he still buys you more

Wanda Maximoff:
- really wants to read your mind to understand what you feel
- cooking together
- watching the Dick Van Dyke Show together
- super cuddly
- is extremely scared whenever she can't find you
- giving you good dreams after you wake up from a nightmare
- singing you to sleep
- stroking your hair

Stephen Strange:
- sarcastic x100 when you're around
- more sex jokes than usual (a pretty low bar)
- extremely fancy dates
- the cloak absolutely adores you
- teaches you cool magic stuff
- takes you anywhere you want. Paris? Greece? pack your bags, we'll be there in 10
- kisses all day, cuddles at night in bed
- reading books together
- makes sure there's honey instead of sugar in your tea when you're sick

Peter Quill:
- makes you so many mixtapes
- dancing all the time
- very many hugs and kisses.
- teaches you how to use his blasters
- is scared you'll leave because he's not good enough
- learns about nearby constellations to tell you about them
- lets you (and only you) wear his jacket
- wakes up early to make you coffee
- going to bed with one blanket on both of you and waking up with two separate ones

- researches your interests to tell you obscure facts
- doesn't really understand physical touch to show love but does it if it makes you happy
- long walks
- asks you how to better understand emotions
- learning self-defense together
- constantly looks at your face and facial expressions
- just wants to know m o r e

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