they come home late

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Tony Stark:

"Tony, you're 30 minutes late. You're never this late."

"Hey, honeybunch. Number one, that's not true. Two, I'm on my way home right now."

- lots of kisses on his face
- doing breathing exercises together bc you freaked out a little bit
- going out to get your favorite dessert
- "please don't do that again"
- telling him what you did while he was gone to distract yourself
- hiding your face in his shoulder/neck (yk what I mean)
- he makes up for it by letting you sit on his lap in the lab all day


Steve Rogers:

"Steven Grant Rogers-"

"Woah, haven't heard anyone use my full name since my ma. Sorry I'm late, sugar."

- really really tight hugs as soon as he gets in the door
- taking in his scent because it could be the last time you can
- kissing kissing so much kissing
- "i am so so sorry sweetheart"
- him stroking your hair until you fall asleep
- desperately holding on to him
- listening to his heartbeat to reassure yourself


Natasha Romanoff:

"Please pick up, please pick up-"

"Hey, жизнь моя (my life). I'll be home soon, don't worry."

- having tea ready for her when she gets home
- her looking you in the eyes and promising she won't leave you alone
- curling up together and watching your favorite movie
- calling Fury to yell at him
- "my apologies" he says. you know he's lying but it still helps
- her singing russian lullabies to you
- her kissing the top of your head


Clint Barton:

"He's probably fine, I'm just overreacting- oh my God he's calling."

"Hey baby, I hope you aren't worrying too much. I'm on my way home."

- jumping into his arms
- hugging for at least five minutes
- he brings home your favorite takeout as an apology
- eating in the living room so you can still be close to him while you eat
- examining his face and tsking whenever you find a new cut or bruise
- "can you just not leave anymore"
- stealing from his closet before he calls


Bruce Banner:


"I know, honey. I'll be home in a few minutes."

- he's so much apologizing. too much apologizing.
- running your fingers through his hair
- you're wearing one of his shirts when he gets home
- him being so upset that he worried you
- "I'll call next time, promise"
- movie marathon the next day so you know he's safe the whole time
- nitpicking over every little scratch



"Thor. You are very late."

"I know, and I grant you my deepest apologies, my dear."

- trying to stay mad but he's too cute
- snuggling all night
- letting you wear his clothes so when he's in another room he's still there
- he tries to make your favorite breakfast but he messes up so bad
- "I appreciate the gesture, dear"
- his mom scolds him for worrying you
- curling up in his lap unless he's doing royalty stuff



"Loki, you're late. Again."

"I am so very sorry, love. How can I make it up to you?"

- him kissing you all over
- him telling you about his travels
- checking to make sure he's okay
- him reading you to sleep that night
- taking a bath together to help you calm down
- him taking you on his next long outing
- him teaching you some magic so you can contact him whenever you're worried


Bucky Barnes:

"Buck... Please tell me you're okay."

"I'm just fine, doll. I'm on my way home now, and I'll see you soon."

- so much hugs so much kisses SO MUCH apologizing
- lying in bed together for hours and hours
- him making you one of your comfort food
- "I'm so so sorry honey"
- puppy dog eyes. he literally looks like a kicked puppy and then you can't be mad.
- slow dancing to 40s music
- him singing even though he doesn't really like to
- more pet names than usual
- running your fingers through his hair to make sure he's real


Sam Wilson:

"Sam, you're late. Is everything okay?"

"It's fine, sugar, just fine. I'll be there in a few minutes."

- full government name
- listening to Marvin Gaye before he got home to remind you of him
- practically mourning until you heard his voice on the other line
- being an absolute wreck when he gets in the house
- hugging and sobbing and OH MY GOD YOU HAVE A CUT ON YOUR FACE
- it's teeny tiny
- making hot chocolate to drink together
- "I'm sorry baby"


Peter Parker:

"Peter, you had me worried sick!"

"I am so, so sorry, sweetie."

- him not knowing if you're okay with him hugging you
- practically leaping into his arms when he asks
- putting hello kitty band-aids on his little cuts
- him getting you your favorite candy on the way home
- building a Lego set until you're too tired
- falling asleep in his arms
- Aunt May doesn't say anything


Wanda Maximoff:

"My love, I am so, so sorry I'm late!"

"Oh, thank goodness you're okay."

- her kissing all over your face
- her promising to let you know if she'll be late from now on
- binging your favorite show together
- eating your favorite ice cream
- cuddling all night and all day and all night and all day and all n-
- her running her fingers through your hair
- her giving you nice dreams that night


Stephen Strange:

"You have that ring thingy! You couldn't have used that?"

"I was a little busy keeping the multiverse together, pumpkin."

- venting to Wong about it (it's not the first time)
- "have you tried talking to him?" "of course not, why would I do that?"
- glaring at him when he comes over
- he kisses you really sweetly and then you can't be mad anymore (but you're mad that you aren't mad)
- him promising to be more careful
- finding bruises while getting ready for bed and scolding him
- laying on his chest that night


Peter Quill:

"Hey, hot stuff-"

"Don't 'hey, hot stuff' me, Peter Quill. Do you know how late you are?"

- trying to stay mad at him (it doesn't work)
- avoiding him until you miss him so bad you climb into his lap
- "I'm still mad." "I know." "This changes nothing." "I know."
- singing his music softly together
- him giving you little kisses every now and then
- carefully kissing each bruise
- falling asleep to his heartbeat



"Vision, you couldn't have called?"

"My apologies, dearest.  I did not mean to distress you."

- watching the clock and knowing he's gonna be late
- him being unsure how to console you
- he just holds you close and puts on one of your comfort movies/shows
- knowing that he's made of vibranium but. still worrying.
- him holding your hands and tracing them
- being absolutely mesmerized by his meticulousness
- "I'm sorry that I worried you."


(A/N: I'm so so sorry I haven't updated in so long, it also took me like a week to write this all)

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