GREAT ,for her sister your back doses't hurt , BUT For ME IT DOES?

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Jennie and Yn went to their rooms and Yn started to text "A"

A- what happened you came online after a long time than usual, does something happened in the house?

Yn- no the members were having a some introduction to their personal life which took this long.

A- okay

Yn- what's next?

A- i know you will hate this but

Yn- but?

A- we have to add one more

Yn- Why!? We are already 3 years late. And now one MORE? NO WAY!

A- listen, calm down , we also didn't want to add that person but circumstances made us do that.

Yn- i am telling you this is the last thing or else if anything unwanted happens next time I swear i will do everything by my own

A- don't worry

Yn-send me details Of that person

A- you already know about her

Yn- What? Who

A- x x x x x x x x x x x x x

They continued to talk about that person


I was just entering the kitchen for making the breakfast since I didn't helped them last night. Jungkook and ~mah soulmateu Jim~ are still sleeping,they are angles fr. I was busy in thinking those stuffs when I heard a screem.


I immediately ran inside and saw Jennie and ramen lying on the floor . I ran to help her to stand but my foot slipped on ramen and i also fall.

+ + +

Jen- Yah, Are You Okay !?

Tae- Yeah You!?

They both stand up


Jen- I was cooking b-but it fell (looked down) sorry.
(She was just so embarrassed)

(authour -Hey jen? What happened huh you don't talk like that.
Authour-oh don't worry this is our old Jen only)

Why does I feel like that tae is scolding her but I'm finding it cute

Tae- and did you got hurt anywhere?

Jen- Yah here
(She points at her hand where some drops of hot ramen fall on and because of that she loses the balance. She answered like a baby completely ignoring the fact taehyung asked her in such a concerned tone)

But when she looked up ,she again felt embarrassed as Tae was not even there . She signed and started cleaning the floor.

Tae- Hey- Hey wait apply some this
(He shows a handkerchief which had some ice in it)

Jen- thanks

Tae- and don't worry i will cook and clean this.

Jk- WOW VERY  GREAT ,for her sister your back doesn't hurt BUT For ME IT DOES? (started clapping) I asked you to charge my phone 2 days ago, but you said my back is hurting? HUH! Now what happened to your back isn't it hurting now!?

Jimin covered jk's mouth but it's late

Jen- can you freaking tell me how long have you both been here? (She said in a calm tone but everyone can feel angry jen is here)

Jim- just from when you shouted ÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃ
(trying to mimic Jennie)

Jen- I think you forgot the 'Last Week Fight'

After hearing that Jimin who was playing around , his eyes widened, he looked at Jennie who had plastered an innocent look, then he looked at tae who was confused, then to Jungkook who can't be seen, hah? Wait can't be seen? he ran? HE RAN!? - YAHHH JEON JUNGKOOK!!!!. Jimin ran from there . Jennie was also about to ran after him but tae stopped her. But tae hold Jennie's tiny belly but as she was about to run , Tae holded her waist more tightly and raised her upwards, now Jennie is in air still trying to run but tae is holding her

Tae- let him go

Jen looked at Tae and nodded - i will clean this you go and bring and wash the vegetables

Tae- okay (a very little smile)

Tae was just thinking how she became a baby infront of him and a boss in front of Jimin and while thinking all this he was smiling like an idiot .

Jen- tae?

Tae- hm

Jen- i want to say something

Tae- hm
(hm!? Wait what , she is proposing? Isn't it early?)
Author - yup tae it's really early
Yoooo love yaaaa~~~

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