she has gone through so much

46 3 1

After lunch Rosé left

As Rosé left they all get comfortable and started talking to eachother about their yesterday report and what they will be doing today.

Jk- my yesterday's shooting report was not good so I am gonna practice it today .

Tae- I will be practicing some finger tricks today
(there are many points in the body so if you press it with correct speed and location it will have an huge affect)

Jen- I am almost done with the weapons so now i will be doing karate .

Jim- I will be doing- a-um.

Yn- i already checked your all reports you are practicing more than usual you need rest or your body will be hurting 'more'
(Jimin looked at Yn as she mentioned 'more' means she know that I (Jimin) suffering from body pain)

Yn- you guys can go i will be doing the dishes today and I will not come for practicing today, i am going to watch the armies and you too jk you can come there after an hour after the practice

(they all nodded and left except Jim as Yn already indicated him to stop)

Yn- come with me I am going to check the army you can join me tho

Jim- yeah why not i will definitely

Yn- fine then i am going to do the dishes you can change till then

Jim- fine~~ (yn smiled at jimin's fading figure)


Jen- Yn is actually kind tho

Tae- yeah she is so kind but still has to put a rough image

Jk- she has gone through so much and don't want that same thing to be happen again ,that's why

(Jennie and Tae looked at jk who came and join their convo)

Jen- I want to talk to you guys, but not like this let's talk while using the machines

Jk- well I have to talk to guys too


Jen- she knows all of our birthdays

Tae- and we don't know hers , right this is what you gonna talk about?

Jen- exactly, she is helping us so much while being the youngest, I want to make her smile

Jk- even if I tell you her birthday is tomorrow and you both do all the preparation just to make her smile , she will just smile outside but not from inside. She only like to have fun on holidays

Tae- and mister how did you know that?

Jk- dad, i told you once that i used to hear so many taunts because of her this is one of that taunt.

Tae- sad for you (giggles)

Jen- then let's just focus on this Hwang's mission first

Jk- right I am  sure she will be damnly happy after this.


Yn- are you ready Jimin?
(She said while leaning towards the wall waiting for the boy)

Jim- yeah~~
(he opened the door)

Yn- you should learn how to conserve  time ,it's important.

Jim- c'mon i really got ready in 7 minutes, and wait you dressed up quickly and the dishes?

Yn- in the dishwasher and yeah it was just selected already so I took it and wore it.


- finally you are here child, it's really good to see you again my charm.

Yn- me too , I am so happy to see you again Mr. Bang Christopher Chan

Chan- your really didn't forget that name
(His eyes were shining brilliantly)

Yn- never sir
(Jimin who was just standing beside them looked at yn when she said sir)

Chan- no need to call me sir now, just call me Mr. Chan now  and you young man (pointing to Jimin) are you her boyfrie-

Yn- one of our team member. Well he is my best boyfr- sh¡t i mean boy best friend

(the trio laughed)

Jim- Hello sir nice to meet (bowed)

Chan- you too no need to call me sir just Mr.Bang

Yn- yeah cause only i can call him Mr.Cha

Chan smiled at yn- I am teaching her when she was litterally just  3 year old , Sir Lee always wanted to make her perfect that's why they made me start her training officially, right after she turned 3

Yn- yeah my last happiest birthday
(sarcastically wiping fake tears)

Jim- huh?

Chan- she stopped celebrating her birthday after that cause she thinks that it is just a time wast-

Yn- I don't want to interrupt but where is Minho , i want to meet him .

Chan- maybe with Mr. Han Jisung and Seo Changbin don't worry they will come here in some time , oh look they are here-

Yn turned around-

Yn- Minhooo~~~~~~~~~~~~
Lino- Yn!??!!!!!~~~~~~~

Minho let Han's hand and ran as fast he could same goes to Yn but stopped when they reached close looked at each other and then hugged eo at the same time.

Lino- I missed you
Yn- me too, actually so much

While this all was happening Chan told Jimin that Minho is also a child trained by him when Yn was just born he was 10 and he always spend his time with her you can say that Yn spent almost childhood with us and 97% with him since they are trained together.

Jimin was smiling at Yn's hardwork but right after that he turned his head cause he felt someone's presence and it was Jungkook

Jk- I am seeing her this much happy for the first time .

Chan- you? Jung hyun il's son right .

Jk- yes sir, it's  Jeon Jungkook (bowed)

Chan looked at Jungkook and his expression was making him giggle so he decided to tease him (c'mon he is from stray kidz)

Chan- you know she and he both are hugging someone for the first time

Jk- ahm? She never hugged someone before? ( Chan giggled again)

Chan- no and I am sure she neither hugged any member of you? Right?

Jim- yes she didn't

Chan- they really treat eachother like-


Yoiiiiiiii 440+ views, I'm in heaven y'll

um, let's just say byeeeeeee , take care , if anyone read this

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