Changes X Inhuman

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It was one year ago since Yasuke Wilson and Tsukune Aono attended Yokai Academy. With their second year coming around the bin, Yasuke decided to spend his only year of free time with his father and grandparents. They sparred with the boy and pushed him to heights he never thought were possible. At 16 years old, Yasuke was seen surfing the waters before flying full speed, yes, flying full speed to the bus stop that was located within Downtown Tokyo. "Yo!" He shouted to Tsukune, landing beside him

"You..." Tsukune gasped, "You just....Flew..."

Yasuke grinned, "I know right!?" He explained to his friend what he went through during his one year of free time away from Yokai Academy. After Kuyo's death, Yokai academy was willing to allow Tsukune and Yasuke attend the school, despite not being monsters. Inner Moka tried to kiss Yasuke while he was unconscious but Kurumu put a stop to that. Since then...Inner Moka and Kurumu have been rivals. Keito would eventually fall in love with Yasuke and made that claim very well known to Kurumu and the others. Which made her Kurumu's rival too. Despite this, Yasuke and Kurumu wrote to each other everyday. Or at least that was the case for the first six months. The other six months, Kurumu...Stopped writing Yasuke. He didn't know why that was the case and was hoping to get an answer from the succubus herself.

When they arrived, Tsukune and Yasuke were swarmed by fangirls who were either of the "Yasuke" or "Tsukune" Fan club. "TSUKUNE! YASUKE!" Tsukune and Yasuke knew that voice. It was Moka. She tackled the boys and hugged them both at the same time, "I missed you guys so much!" She told them

"We...Miss You...Too..." Both boys were turning blue in the face, causing Moka to let them go, relaizing her vampiric strength might have been too much for the boys. As the boys regained their breaths, Moka approached Yasuke.

"Are you going to give me another bear crushing hug again?" He asked her.

"Yasuke...It's Kurumu." She told him, "She gave me this letter to give to you."

Yasuke raised an eyebrow and took the letter from her while she went back to oogling over Tsukune and trying to suck his blood again. Mizore Shirayuki, Yukari, Sendou, and Ruby Tojo, who became a first year student at Yokai Academy, tackled and showed their affections for the Harem protagonist. Yasuke opened the letter...And this is what was written on the letter:

Yasuke....I'm sorry, but I'm breaking up with you. I won't be attending the same school because My mother has arranged for me to get married to a Male Succubus. He's loaded, strong, Handsome~Ahem!-Anyways, I'm sorry it had to end this way. Besides, what he had was puppy love. No more. No Less. And I know what you're thinking, and no, we cannot be friends. But I will always cherish the moments we shared before I was set up with the most intriguing breakthrough of a lifetime.

With Regards....Kurumu Kurono <3 OwO

Yasuke looked at the letter, he could feel his blood starting to boil. This was exactly how His mother abandoned him and his father. Should he at least consider it a blessing that Kurumu told him this in a letter? And she wouldn't be going to Yokai Academy anymore? What? Was this arranged Marriage so good that she couldn't come back to school? That she could leave it and Yasuke altogether in one swoop? The more he thought about it, the angrier he was getting. "Yasuke?" Tsukune called, "Are you okay?"

"What...Do....You...Want?" Yasuke seethed towards Tsukune

Tsukune: Whoa! I was just checking on you. No need to be aggressive.

Yasuke sighs: Kurumu's not coming back to Yokai Academy. She broke up with me and is in an arranged Marriage thanks to her mother. It's with a male succubus, meaning she's found her true destined one.

Tsukune was shocked: WHAT!?

Yasuke fake laughed: Don't act all surprised. You knew this would happen. Why, even I knew that this would happen. I just didn't know when it would happen. But I wish her the best. That is all I can do at this point. Come on, let's get going to our old dorms and unpack and get ready for a fresh new year at Yokai Academy! [Fist pumped into the air]

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