Chapter 2

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Flashback continues

Shrisha gave tea to everyone and then stood beside the chair on which her father sat

Then my mom suggested "Is it okay if they both talk in like private i mean just to know thing about each other "

Yes !!! Maa you are the best !! I internally said

Then her mama asked Shrisha to make our way to her bedroom

As I entered her bedroom I saw it was white and blue Totally not expected

Well... I mean I don't want to sound judgmental but observing her it seemed like she was like the girls who loved pink

But yeah it was said right never judge a book by cover

Haha okay fine

"May I sit on the bed" I asked politely

"Yeah" she said with her sweet little mouth


We sat there in silence for few minutes

"Hey I'm Dev" I forwarded my hand for handshake just to try built a conversation

I hope it didn't sound dumb

But then she smiled a bit and replied back shaking me hand "Hello I'm Shrisha "

Istg when I say her hands we soft


Goodamn and look at mine

While we were taking we heard a knock on the a lady came and teasing asked us "Aree abhi sab baate karni hai shaadi ke baad bhi toh kuch rko "

To which we both became red and went out of the room

Then my mom sided me wiggling her eyebrows and asked me "Toh jawab kya hai ha ha"

"HA" ofc it had to be a yes I just could say no there weren't any reasons to decline

While talking to her I observed how she would keenly look at be focus on what I was talking about and listen me

I think I just fell of her

Idk but ya I like her

But the ladki wake said they would tell us their answer tomorrow morning

I just hope it will be a yes

Then we left for our home throughout the did I could've help but think about her

When we reached home I went to my bedroom showered and straight away went on my bed

I don't know when did I slept in her thoughts

Soon the marriage dates and all were fixed and we had a big fat desi wedding

Ofc we had to being Indian having big fat desi wedding we're like a tradition

After our marriage we went to honeymoon to Maldives.

Well.... We had a lottttt of fun there.

No no my dirty viewers voo wala fun nahi.

Since it was an arranged marriage we didn't even knew anything about each other and  suddenly me pounding on her would that be weird .

I would have mind tho..

All the clothes that she wore were just so sexyyy

I really had a hard time seeing her such revealing clothes but yeah we had fun

Hey y'all hope you liked the chapter if you did don't forget to vote comment

Lots of love

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