Chapter 3

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After what felt like eternity Dev came down in his formals hot as usual  

"Dev chal breakfast ke liye Baith" maa said

Dev sat on the dining table signing me with his eyes that he hasn't forgotten the morning incident 

I felt like laughing remembering his reaction over that.

Soon we all had breakfast and Dev and Papa (father in law) left for office.

Dev is an architect and own a law firm which is well know in his field and Papa deal with land it's just that Dev wanted papa's office in his firm too so they decided to shift Papa's office beside Dev's firm

After they went I helped my mother in law picking up the breakfast dishes from the dining table so that the maid will wash them when she comes.

Me and  Maa just sat in the living room chatting. That's when she told me over that their panditji is coming home in evening because he says their is some serious problem in Dev's horoscope.

I saw maa was looking restless since morning and then I got to know it was this horoscope thing that's bothering maa 

I don't totally believe in horoscopes but there are times when they turn out to correct.


We didn't even know how time passed and it was 12 already which mean in an hour and half Dev and Papa would be home for lunch 

Okay so the thing is that their office is like a 20 mins drive from home so they rather prefer having a hot steaming meal at home (with their wife beside) rather that the dolled meal so they always come home for lunch 

And with that bahana we get to meet each other too *blushing blushing*

Anyways then we started preparing for lunch 

We made dal rice roti sabzi and fried some papads

Making it a full course meal.

After we finish I went in the living room to only see Papa sitting in the living room 

"Dev nahi aaya ?"maa asked from behind me

"Nahi voh site visit par Gaya hai " papa said to which we both nodded

Then we 3 sat in the dining room and started having our lunch. Tho i didn't feel like having lunch today 

Idk some weird feeling was creeping in me I mean this isn't the first Time dev didn't come home for lunch but it's just idk what. I think I'm over thinking about what mom said about Dev's horoscope. I need to stop.

Then after doing all the chores I went upstairs in our bedroom to take a afternoon nap just to get rid of this uneasy feeling. 

It was like of  an hour or what I was just tossing and turning on the bed idk when sleep came over me and I slept.

I woke up from my sleep hearing my alarm that I set up for 5pm 

I lied on bed for few minutes and then decide to get up and headed straight toward the bathroom to freshen up 

Then I quickly changed from my kurti to a saree as panditji were coming as told my maa in morning.

Is changed into a floral georgette saree which had bagicha on it.With a decent half sleeved blouse .Then I applied some sindoor and a light dab on lipstick. 

After getting ready I left for downstare to the living room to meet mom sitting their with pandit ji on the sofa.

I went and quickly touched panditiji's and then maa's feet to seek their blessings. 
"Saubhagyavati Bhava" panditiji's blessed me

Then maa and panditji continued talking among themselves and tbh i was not getting the topic like wth were they two exactly talking about but i just got something like "uska shani chal raha hai"

After half an hour or something panditji left and maa looked relieved.
Okay now i am getting scared wth is up. I tried asking maa but she just slide me off saying that's they thought that it was for a longer duration but it is for shorter duration.

After that we both started preparing for dinner. Later in the evening pap came home. But there still was no sign of Dev. Where the hell is this man I asked myself.

Soon after half an hour we heard Dev's car's Blaring horn. Okay this is my cue to go to the main entrance.

But as soon as I went near the door I saw Dev entering in with a girl. Okay. They both looked quite close. Dev's and my eyes met and he smiled widely at me. Then the girl suddenly squealed and ran behind me and turned around and saw her hugging maa.

"Aree auntyji it's been such a long time since we last met i am soo happy to meet you" the girl spoke loudly next she hugged papa too I was shocked i mean papa was someone who did not like much chipaknewale but he hugged he back Okay this is getting serious.

"Aree ab bas bhi kar kitna gale milayegi tu"  I heard dev speaking from behind me and turned back to him very very much confused over what is happening in over here.

Dev saw my expressions and laughed and said "Sakshi You met everyone but let me introduce you to someone very special" he said gaing her attention. Well so her name is sakshi That;s what i got from all this.

"Sakshi meet my wife Srisha and Srisha this is long lost bestfriend, my neighbour and chudail Sakshi " He ended laughing out loudly thats when sakshi the girl hit his arm. 

I forwarded my hand towards here and said "Hello I am Srisha Dev Sharma Nice to meet you " I smiled. "WHAT YOU GO MARRIED" she exclaimed to dev she looked quite disappointed hearing the news ig..
"Well ya nice to meet you too. Anyways Aunty, uncle, Dev Chalo baitho i want to share so much with you guys "She continued. 
"Dekho aayi nahi ki hukum bhejne lagi" Dev teased her. Idk why but i am not likeing this at all.

Hey y'all hope you liked the chapter if you did don't forget to vote comment

Lots of love 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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