Chapter 3 first mission

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You were down a road heading home,you finally reach your destination and slide open the door.

(Y/N):Master I'm back!*You look around to see that no one greets you*I know he heres,welp only one way to summon him*you step in with your sandals,without dusting yourself off*Ahh it feels to be him—bwahhh!

Another door open and a figure quickly smacked him a paper fan

Levi:I thought I told you that take your sandals off and dust yourself off before you come in or else you'll bring dirt in here.

(Y/N):I'm injured you know, it was the only way I'd know you come to welcome me.

Levi:Well I'm glad you came back, now you can help me with cleaning,grab the duster—*notices that you have no sword*Where the hell is the sword I lend you?

(Y/N):Umm about that I didn't lose it technically,I left it behind because a demon neck shattered it so with a remains I stabbed it's eye so that me and friend could escape.And that's about it.

You look at Levi as he gives you a deadpan expression before sighing and saying

Levi:Just clean this area and meet me out side.It better be good or else.

He walks away.

Mini time skip brought to you by Levi smacking you with a fan

(Y/N):So what are doing here?

You're outside as Levi lead you to the middle of the woods into a clearing

Levi:Hearing you're crappy story made me realize that I still haven't taught you enough.So since your new sword I believe comes in two weeks,that's the amount of time you will get to slice this boulder

He shows a giant boulder a bit bigger than your self

(Y/N):There's no way I can't slice this boulder in half.

Levi:You said that a demons neck broke my sword, well then guess what there will be other demons neck that are way stronger that so if you couldn't even slice it's neck you wouldn't even last on your first mission,but if you slice this boulder you should have a chance.

He unsheathes his sword and throws it to you

Levi:This is my sword,you will use it since I have no others since the spare one I had was destroyed.

(Y/N):I said I was sorry.

Levi:You don't come back until this boulder is sliced in half.

Timeskip because the author is too lazy to write the training montage

Fifteen days pass as you finally manage to slice the boulder in half.You return back to your masters home not before taking a bath in a stream nearby, or else Levi would be absolute crap out of you for being dirt into his clean environment.

You take off your shoes/sandals as you enter.You enter the living room to see your Master sipping tea with another man wearing a big sun hat and a long parcel wrapped in cloth next to him

Levi:We've been waiting,sit down.

You walk over and sit down next to Levi.The man had his hat tilted forward so you couldn't see his face.

(Y/N):So who is this man?

The man responds

???:My name is Totosai Haganezuka, I have forged (Y/N) Ackerman's sword.

The man lifts his hat to reveal a clown mask,a chill run through your body.He grabs the parcel and unwraps it and hands it to you.You open it up to see your sword,you take it out and to inspect it.

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