Chapter 5 New hope

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3rd POV

(Y/N) wrapped in bandages stood by as the Kakushi took Levi's body away on a stretcher.One of the Kakushi walked towards him as he handed him Levi's katana and cloak

Kakushi:Here we figure it best that you keep it since you were the closest to Levi-sama.

He bowed thanking the Kakushi before grabbing the items.He looked at katana with sorrow before sliding it into his belt.Just as he was about to walk away his crow came with a message

(C/N): (Y/N)!you are to report to HQ!The master has requested to see you!These two Kakushi are to guide to you there!Caw!

(Y/N):Alright then lead the way.

He said in a sad tone as he began to follow the Kakushi to the demon slayer headquarters.It was a long trip of nothing but sorrow for (Y/N), but then they finally arrived.They had arrived at a really nice estate.One of the Kakushi went up to the front gate and knocked

Kakushi:Sorry to intrude but we have brought him.

The door was opened up by a beautiful lady with silk white hair wearing a pink kimono/yukata and a butterfly themed dark blue haori .She bowed before saying

???:Thank you,my husband has been waiting to see you,please come in.

The three of them walk into an open area where they find a man slightly older than (Y/N) .

Kakushis:Oyakata-sama we have brought him here

They say while bowing.

???:Thank you very much, you may take your leave now.

The man bows as the two Kakushi leave him alone with man.

???:Now, it's a pleasure to meet you (Y/N).Levi has told me many great things from you.

(Y/N) perks his head towards him when he mentions Levi's name

(Y/N):Who are you,how do you know my name and my masters?

???:I guess I haven't fully introduced myself,I am Kagaya Ubuyashiki, the 97th leader of the demon slayer corps.

(Y/N):So you're the leader,why did you want to see me.

Kagaya:Well you see as you know we lost someone very important to us.Levi was a brave man who fought to the very end.It is sad to know that he is no longer with us.

He says with a soothing voice,but (Y/N) says

(Y/N):Did you bring me all this way just to say that.

Kagaya:Not at all,you see before he passed away he left me with a letter.He asked that if something was to ever happen to him to give it you.

He pulls out a folded paper and walks over to (Y/N) and hands it to him.He accepts the note without any hesitation before opening the letter up to read it.

Dear (Y/N),

If you are reading this letter, it means that I have passed on from this world. Although I am no longer with you, I want you to know that I am proud of the person you have become and the strength you have shown as a demon slayer.

You have grown tremendously since the day I first found you, my protégé, you have learned much from me, but I hope that you have also learned to find your own path. Take what you have learned from our time together and use it to forge your own way forward.

I also want to apologize for not always being the best teacher or mentor to you. I know that I was not always the easiest person to get along with, but I hope that you were able to see that everything I did was for your own good. Please forgive me for any mistakes or shortcomings on my part.

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