Chapter 7

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"Well I think Lauren just crushed that dare, Selena," Demi said with a laugh, bringing Lauren and Camila back to reality. "And I thought I gave you guys a x-rated show outside. But you guys just topped it."

Lauren felt her cheeks turn dark red and she broke eye contact with Camila to stand up. She had completely forgotten about the room full of people. She was just lucky that her noises of ecstasy were quiet enough that only Camila could hear them.

Camila felt the weight on her lap disappear, but her legs felt too weak to even stand up. She lifted her head and realized that everyone else in the room was still staring at her and Lauren with slack jaws. She instantly brought her gaze back down to the floor, embarrassed that everyone could see how flustered she was.

"I think I need to go change my pants," Dinah joked and everyone in the room laughed. Camila was thankful that her best friend could sense the tension and knew she needed to lighten the mood.

Lauren reached out and grabbed one of Camila's hands to help pull her to her wobbly feet. The older girl took her chair from the center of the room and put it back in its spot and sat down, still not daring to look at anyone else in the room. She felt a wave of comfort when Camila sat down on her lap. She was surprised that her body didn't explode when she came in contact with the younger girl again after what had just happened, but holding Camila in her arms like that was never about being sexual; it was about peace and comfort.

"Alright, alright," Lauren finally laughed. "You guys asked for it. I just delivered. You know I don't back down from a challenge," she said as the girl in her arms relaxed into her body.

"Well that was fun and all, but I should probably be headed home," Hailee said as she stood up from her seat, looking uncomfortable.

Good, Lauren thought to herself with a sense of pride. She had shown Hailee that she wasn't to be messed with.

As Hailee got up to leave, the group of five girls decided it was time for them to go as well. Camila was thankful, considering that she was still somewhat mortified of getting so turned on in front of the group of girls, some of whom she barely knew. Everyone said their goodbyes and the group of friends all piled back into Ally's car to head back to her house.

Seeing as it wasn't too late when the girls arrived at the house, they ordered pizza before changing into their pajamas and gathering in the living room. They were surprised when Ally's parents walked through the front door a few minutes after they had situated themselves on the couches. They had started to wonder if Ally had been lying about having a family this whole time. Even Camila and Dinah who had known Ally for a few years had never met her parents.

All of the girls instantly felt welcomed as Ally's father pulled them all in for tight hugs, insisting they call him Papa H. Ally's mother Patricia greeted the girls with hugs as well, before playfully telling them all not to get too rowdy tonight. As the married couple made their way upstairs for some peace and quiet, the doorbell rang and Ally went to retrieve the pizza.

The five girls situated themselves around the island in the kitchen, laughing about the events that had transpired that night. All of them were still in disbelief that Demi had taken on Dinah's dare and they all joked about how Ally's eyes were probably still burning in their sockets. Lauren was thankful that the rest of the girls were considerate enough not to mention the lap dance that she had given Camila just a short time ago. Her cheeks still burned whenever she thought about it.

Once the pizza was devoured, the girls made their way back into the living room and debated on what movie to watch. Camila begged to watch Easy A and since the rest of the girls couldn't decide on anything else, Ally put in the dvd to start the movie.

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