Chapter 11

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Lauren and Camila walked down the stairs hand-in-hand and were instantly met with two pairs of eyes on them as soon as they entered the living room.

"I thought I said I didn't want you guys tainting my house," Ally joked to the two girls who sat down on the loveseat across the living room.

"You specifically said beds. You never said anything about the bathroom," Camila smirked over at the oldest girl.

"Y'all are nasty," Ally laughed as she shook her head. As much as she wanted to be upset that they had just done who knows what in her own bathroom, she couldn't help but be happy for them. They both deserved everything good in the world, and for the two girls, it was each other.

Camila looked over to Lauren, who still wore a scowl on her face as she watched the movie on the television, still clearly upset that Dinah had interrupted them just moments ago. But the younger girl could see the corners of Lauren's mouth curled up slightly, trying to hide a full blown smile caused by the bantering between Camila and Ally.

"It's okay to smile you know," Camila nudged the older girl's shoulder playfully.

"No it's not, I'm still mad at Dinah," Lauren huffed without taking her eyes off of the movie.

"What about me?" a voice asked from behind them.

"I said," Lauren turned around to face Dinah, who stood behind the couch, "that I'm still mad at you."

"Oh no you're not," Dinah laughed. "I see that tiny smile forming on your face. You can't be mad at anyone after you just got some with your girl."

"I didn't get any! That's the problem," Lauren huffed loudly as she turned back around to face the television.

"Oh thank god," Ally let out a sigh of relief upon hearing that maybe her bathroom wasn't completely tainted after all.

Lauren couldn't help but finally let out a laugh. "You all suck," she accused as she crossed her arms over her chest, but her smile stayed on her face.

The other four girls chuckled as Lauren finally eased up about the situation. Camila leaned over and placed a soft kiss on the older girl's cheek with a smile and they all finally settled down enough to watch the rest of the movie.

Lauren finally relaxed enough to enjoy the rest of the night. As much as she wanted Camila, she wanted their first time to be somewhere more special than their friend's bathroom, so she decided she was somewhat relieved that Dinah had interrupted them. Lauren was falling head over heels in love with the younger girl and she wanted Camila's first time to be nothing less than magical. She only hoped that someday soon she could give that to her.

After the movie ended and the girls got ready for bed, Ally warned Camila and Lauren that absolutely no funny business was allowed with the rest of the girls in bed, which received laughs from everyone.

Lauren shook her head and chuckled. As much as she was sexually frustrated at this point, her favorite thing was still to just hold Camila in her arms all night. When they all settled in bed, she did just that as they all fell into a peaceful sleep.


"Gooood morning!" Ally called out as she stood above the four sleeping girls on the bed.

Camila's eyes fluttered open with a smile on her face. Ally was always so energetic in the morning, Camila couldn't help but wake up in a good mood when she was around. It also helped that the girl of her dreams was cuddled up behind her.

Lauren was never much of a morning person, but she thought maybe she would become one if she could wake up next to Camila every day. Her left arm was still draped over the small girl, as it had been all night, and she used it to pull her in as close as possible.

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