Chapter 23

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"Dinah, do we need to get you safety gloves for this because that is the hundredth time you've poked yourself with the needle," Normani laughed.

"Shut up," Dinah grumbled back.

All five girls were sitting in the middle of Ally's living room, stringing popcorn onto a line to wrap around the large Christmas tree that was set up in the corner.

"Mila, stop eating the decorations!" Ally gasped and smacked the popcorn out of Camila's hand before she could shove the handful into her mouth.

"But I'm so hungry," Camila whined, picking up a single piece of popcorn and throwing it in her mouth before Ally could stop her.

"Babe, we literally just ate dinner less than thirty minutes ago," Lauren laughed at her dejected girlfriend.

"But three pieces of pizza wasn't enough," Camila pouted as she crossed her arms, her string of popcorn completely forgotten on the floor in front of her.

"Then go get some more and quit your damn complaining," Dinah scowled at her from across the living room, accidentally poking herself in the finger again. "Ouch."

"Too far away," Camila mumbled before sighing deeply and picking up her string again, adding more pieces of popcorn slowly and unenthusiastically.

The girls continued sitting quietly on the floor for a few more minutes, a playlist of all of their favorite Christmas songs playing in the background.

It was only three days until Christmas and the girls had decided that they were going to have their own holiday party together before they had to spend the next few days away from each other and with their own families. When they were watching movies after the Winter Dance, they all agreed to do a gift exchange, only buying a present for one person instead of having to buy presents for everyone. They drew names out of a hat and were sworn to secrecy as to who they drew and what they were getting them. Each girl still tried to figure out who drew their name, but they all were unsuccessful since no one wanted to ruin the surprise.

"Can't we do something fun yet?" Camila asked after another few minutes of sitting in silence. "Like open presents!" her face lit up and she bounced up and down on her legs.

"You're like an excited little puppy, I swear," Lauren chuckled and Camila just stuck her tongue out playfully in return.

After the rest of the girls agreed to finally open presents, seeing how eager Camila was to do so, the small brunette jumped up and skipped over to the Christmas tree. She picked up the presents that they had all placed under the tree and handed them out, laughing as she read the tags, all of which read things such as "From: Santa" or "From: Your Secret Lover".

The girls agreed to try to guess who they received their presents from instead of telling each other, and after playing a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors to decide who was unwrapping their present first, they all settled down with smiles on their faces.

"Okay, Dinah, go ahead," Ally gestured to the present in Dinah's lap, seeing as she won the right to go first.

The youngest girl immediately untied the ribbons on the handles of the bag and dug out the wrapping paper. Seconds later, she sat with a snapback in each hand, grinning widely as she looked back and forth between each of them as if she couldn't decide which one to admire first.

"Yo, these are so dope," Dinah said enthusiastically, finally deciding to wear the red and black one and placed it on her head. "Since there was so little effort put into wrapping these, I'm going to guess they're from Walz."

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