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"And here I thought, this forest isn't filled with demons.."

When I was about to leave earlier, thinking my work here is already done. A demon appeared. Then when I was done with that, another one appeared again. Which followed by another one that's also followed by another one..

I just ended the sixth demon on my count and is ready to meet another demon as I walk. "...Is it done?"

No, I shouldn't think like this. There will be another demon that'll show up for sure..

So I waited.

And waited.

"...." The sky is slowly lighting up as I waited. "..I guess there's no more-! This presence.." I don't even have time to complain when I felt the presence of a stronger demon.

I accelerated my feet and went deeper into the forest. It's coming from the top of the mountain.

As I get closer, the location of the demon appeared more clear. Why does a demon this caliber here, standing in one place..?

When I came to the area, the blood on the snowfield ground and a bloodbath inside a small house is what greeted me.

I didn't make it.

They're all dead..

"Who are you?"

The demon who was cursing while saying useless earlier had moved his attention towards me.

He's stronger than me. I could feel his overwhelming strength just by standing here.. that's why it confused me.

"Why did you attack them?" I asked while still looking at his victims.

This is not because of hunger.

"Do you want to die?" I knew it irritates him that I had the nerve to ask him that. All demons feel that they're the greater being than the rest, after all.

"I couldn't understand it at all.. Why bother hurting the weak." I voiced out my thoughts.

"Who are you?" He repeated his previous question.

"...." I didn't answer him and just look at the picture before me. It seems he killed a whole family. It'll be preferable if this family didn't leave anyone behind.

"I said, who are you." He already gets closed as he asks me that, looking like he'll punch a hole in my chest if I don't answer him.

My gaze shifted and met his eyes. "..." Though weaker demons are dumber and beast-mind-like. The strong ones are not that different from the weak ones when it comes to their ridiculously short temper.

"I honestly don't know either."

I said truthfully. I know nothing. Who is this body. How old it is. Who's child this body is. Where this body lives. I know nothing of those, there's nothing I know about this body aside from it being a male.

"But, I'm called (Y/n)."


"Doesn't ring a bell, right? Did you think, I'm someone remarkable?"

"..." He silently thought about something for a moment while I also just silently stared at him.

I wonder why he is giving my name a thought. Did it actually ring a bell? But, well, it's not like only one person could own a name.

But strangely, "..." I felt okay watching his pondering face.

That should be strange, right?


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