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The thing he was concerned about, indeed happened.


His hammer, I mean katana, broke in half.

"..Shit." He cursed out.

"HAHAHAHA!!" The demon briefly stopped his attack just to speak his script. "I'll savour your meat!"





(Y/n) just evade the plates until six round cements are flying to attack him.


"!?" The demon looks at the broken pieces as (Y/n) breaks six plates at the same time in a mere second. "What happened.?" It asked as he continued to watch (Y/n) who also continued to break every plate that attacks him, even without a katana or any weapon in his hand.

Seeing the confusion in the demon's eyes, (Y/n) didn't bother telling him what's the black smoke thing that was breaking his attacks.

Why does he have to explain?

(Y/n) then suddenly took a turn while the plates were quickly following behind him. Making the demon have another question.

"Hey." A call from behind the demon immediately reached his ear.

"AHH!!" The presence of a human behind him didn't register until (Y/n) spoke, causing Rokuro to scream in fright.

It backs off a few meters away while his eyes roam before looking at the specific location. "What-" Why are the plates at a far location? He wasn't able to voice his question as another question appeared when he looked down at the ground under (Y/n)'s feet. "How did.."

"You can only create six, can't you?"

Rokuro could only create six plates at the same time, it wasn't limitless like he had been boasting about.

With shaken hands, Rokura bit his nails in anxiousness. "But how.." He was probably thinking that (Y/n) wouldn't notice if the slayer continued to break the plates as soon as it appeared, expecting the same result as his past fights.

"Shut up with the questions." (Y/n) is tired of looking at the confused face of the demon and had picked up the blade on the ground. Ready to end the demon as he holds a piece of his katana.


(Y/n) was about to end it all cleanly now that his katana broke but, the demon chose to roll away from him, looking exactly like the plates that he had been breaking but, much faster.

"..." (Y/n) eyes shifted for a while to the crow in the sky who was on its way back to him before looking back to where the demon ran off to.

Meanwhile, Tori, the crow that (Y/n) personally named, looked down at the area where the blood of the moon-rank demon splashed as its head got separated from its body.

"It was a written faith." He could hear (Y/n) mumbling as he watched the demon quickly disintegrate.

"Craa! I knew it! You won't take that long!"

"It's boring to end it like this. Right, Tori?"

Tori looked at (Y/n) in puzzle. "Don't you prefer doing it swiftly?" That's what he always does, a slash supposed to end it all. "What change Kraa?"

"..The position of an observer, it felt okay." The fight at Tamayo, where (Y/n) just mostly watched, seems to have left him with a good impression.

"Craw! So you're observing the demon?"

"Hm..it wasn't fun compared to earlier though."

"You're weird tod- KRAA! Your sword! Your hand is bleeding too CRAW!?!" At the mention of his broken sword, (Y/n) had that complicated expression again. "If it was found by the wat-!" Tori's sentence was cut off.

"I'll crave for a chicken soup."

"Eek!" That was a threat. "...But craw..! You need a new sword!" But Tori is a little stubborn for his own good too.

"I'll just take one."

"CRAA! The unnamed hashira is stealing again!!"



As you know, we didn't get to see the Lower Rank two's demon art because Muzan was on his period and killed Rokuro immediately after he entered the screen along with the other remaining lower ranks except for one.

So I did a quick thinking and simply based his demon art on his name.

Rokuro "轆轤"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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