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The loud caw of a crow pierced through the silence while I was burying the remains of the dead. The crow's name was Tori, a beautiful name that means bird

"Head to the snowy mountain!"

He is the messenger and companion I received after I joined the demon slayer corps.


It is that organization that Giyu always talks about. And I joined it after taking that man's hand. Well, unknowingly.

Looking back on my first day, I look quite pathetic. Baffled at the fact that the demon hunters were actually paid for their work and weren't unpaid volunteers.

I am a fool for not realizing that all this time Giyu was offering me a job. It should have been obvious but, I was a complete idiot at that time..

To think I have been doing something I could have gained some money from.

"Caww! We have arrived."

I turned my gaze towards the snowy mountain that loomed before us, a place I recognized.

"Ah, this place.."

"You know this place, Kraa?" Tori questioned, tilting his head curiously.

I had been here a few times before to deliver goods and become a little close with the previous customer. "I should be able to get a free meal for us." I might even be able to get a free stay at their place.

"Don't go grabbing my shirobire!"

The commotion in front quickly caught my attention as they were standing in my way.

Looking at the crowd, someone caught my eye that made me frown in confusion—it was Giyu. "Tori?" I gaze at the crow standing on my shoulder.


Since a talking crow would be an abnormality to the masses. I specifically instruct Tori to refrain from using human language when many people are around to avoid raising weird suspicion.

"Did you perhaps make a mistake?"

"Craaww!" He cawed, seemingly saying 'You doubting my Proficiency?!' I almost forgot that he is the kind of bird that thinks highly of himself.

But if Tori didn't make a mistake, then why was I called to this mission when there is a hashira already involved?


Is it that.?

A similar thing had happened before. As someone who didn't go through the normal process of becoming a demon hunter, Kagaya had made me work with a more experienced individual. I guess, I should expect to work with different seniors in the future until my knowledge about this work is enough.

"Ah, I remember now!" Suddenly, a voice in the crowd exclaimed. "It's the guy who slaughtered that coal burner family in the other mountain range! They said the suspects spotted near the area were wearing a two-tone haori and a black one!"

"AH! No wonder I—"

"Excuse me." I decided to step in before the situation escalates even more.

"—AHH!! Why did you suddenly appear like that!?" I didn't mean to surprise them.

"(Y/n)..? Why are you here.?"

I silenced Giyu with a look. "Let me handle it." I said like a reliable big brother of his.

Now all I need to do is explain that Giyu wasn't someone they should be wary of.

I was so confident in my communication skill but before I could even explain anything, I found myself tied in a rope like a criminal that's about to be detained.

"I knew it! You're that two-tone suspect! You're even with the other suspect!!"



"No wonder he seems so creepy!"

"..Am I the other suspect.?"

"And now you're asking? You're the one who did that to that poor girl, right?!"

"That..?" I confusedly looked at the man in the rice hat before moving my gaze to Giyu who seemed to not hold any answer either.

It seems, things just worsen.

"Tomi..oka..san." My attention shifts to the familiar female poking Giyu's arm while a mischievous arch play on her lips. "What a coincidence to see you here. Well, I'm glad you still suck at talking as usual."


It is Kochou Shinobu, the person I was first thrown to, to learn the ways of a demon hunter.

"Hi there (Y/n)-kun, are you in trouble again?"



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