Chapter 2 Getting to Know others

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(Trigger warning: abusement)

2 days later

May 7th

Ateez Base

Y/n POV:

"Mmm..." I groan when I sat up to have a pounding headache. I grabbed the blanket on me, but I didn't feel the one I knew. I quickly open my eyes to see that I was on a sofa with a looks like throw blanket was covering me. As I quickly got up from the sofa, I hissed at a strong pain as I look to see that my leg was bandage. "Who?...I see that your awake miss" I jump from a sudden gentle voice as turn to see a guy with split color head was sitting in a chair not to far from me:

I see that your awake miss" I jump from a sudden gentle voice as turn to see a guy with split color head was sitting in a chair not to far from me:

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"Easy there miss, no one gonna hurt you" Gentleman said as he got up and carefully walked towards me. I had to admit that he is quite good looking and knowing me. My face is most certainly red right now once the guy was now in front of me.
"W-where am I" I shyly ask the man since I know I was nowhere near my home nor did I ever want to go back there. "Your in my hideout miss, my friends brought you here after being attack by your father" The guy answered as I look at him in surprised. No one have ever gone out of their way to help me before. "I-I see" I shyly looked away while gently rubbed my arms out of nervous and shyness. "But before I ask any questions, how are you feeling" I looked at my leg as I had a feeling he and his friends help treat it.

"Sore and have a headache" I sighed as my face feels a bit throbbing. "Have a seat, it best to not stand right now" I did what the guy said as he went to grab a water bottle from a fridge and some medicine before coming back over to me. "Here take this, it'll help with the headache at least" Taking the water bottle and the medicine, I took the medicine and swallow it with the water. "What's your name miss?" I finished the water as I place the bottle down onto the floor as I looked at the guy. "Y/n, Y/n Black" I cringe at the surname I was given since it belonged to my crazy family.

"I'm Hongjoong, Kim Hongjoong an I own this place" Hongjoong introduced himself as we probably shook each other hands. "You said have friends as well?" I looked around to see no one else since it was just Hongjoong and I? "*Chuckles softly* The others are currently out at the moment so I stayed behind to keep an eye on you" Hongjoong chuckles softly since he saw that I was a curious one.
I blush when he chuckled cause I am new to everything around me. When I was about to say something, my stomach growled loudly as I was really really hungry.

"Someone hungry" Hongjoong teased a little before he got up and went to the fridge again. I covered my face as it was now beet red and I feel so embarrassed. I hate the way I am and how my force diet was effecting me. "Here, it's not much but it's better then nothing" I heard as I uncover my red face to see a plate of eggs, bacon and some others in front of me. Taking the plate into my hand, I was so tempted to devour all of it in one go.

"You alright, you haven't started to eat yet?" Hongjoong ask in concern while he took a seat next to me. I bit my lip and gave him a sad smile since he was being sweet. "It's just that...I haven't had a proper meal in months until now" I said as I started to eat the food Hongjoong made for me. "What do you mean Y/n?" Once I finish the food and place the plate on the table in front of me. I turn my head to look at him, I guess since he and his friends had saved me. It was only fair to tell him what was happening to me up til now.

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