Chapter 16 Sweet Revenge

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A week later

July 7th

Ateez Base

Y/n POV:

It's been a week since Wooyoung barely survive the injury he got from my father. The doctor and San manage to save him but Woo has been bed rest since then. I was currently beside Wooyoung bed as he was resting away as I was gently holding his hand. "Y/n hun rest, you haven't gotten any sleep for the pass two days now" I heard as I look to see Seonghwa standing in the doorway as he gave me a worried look. "I don't want to yet" I said as I turn to look back at Wooyoung as Seonghwa sighed softly and walked over to where I was.

"N/n, everyone is worried and Wooyoung wouldn't want you to put yourself at risk" Seonghwa gently took my hand in his and gently squeeze it. "But I...Y/n please, your gonna end up harming yourself more if you don't rest!" Seonghwa being gentle but firm had me look at him in surprise. As much as I want to tell Seonghwa how I want to keep being up to make sure Wooyoung was gonna be alright. I know he would force me to give in since he and the others are my boyfriends who are worried about my well being. "*Sighs* Fine but I don't want to have those nightmares anymore" Seonghwa nodded his head as both of us left to leave Wooyoung alone to rest as Seonghwa took me to his and Yeosang shared room.

Yeosang wasn't in the room at the time so it was just Seonghwa and I. I wasn't tired but more angry that I have towards my own father. "Go lay down love, I'll be right back okay" Seonghwa place a gently kiss on my forehead which help me ease up a bit before he excuse himself an left the room real quick.
"I'm Sorry hyung, I can't let this continue anymore..."

Seonghwa POV:

When I left to go get some water for y/n. I came back into the room to see Y/n no where in sight. "Shit" Having a bad felling I quickly to check Wooyoung room first in hope to find Y/n there. When I got there, I saw San with Wooyoung but not Y/n. "What's the matter Hyung?" When San saw me in the door frame, he looked curious since I suddenly arrive to their room. "Y/n disappeared!" Saying that cause San to get up fast as we both went to around the base to find Y/n.

"Where the fuck did she go?!" San said worryingly and I started to think on where she could have gone. Suddenly Yeosang came into my mind as I quick went to find him in the computer room. "Yeosang!" Yeosang jump in surprise from my yell as he turn his chair towards me. "What the matter Hyung...Turn your tracker on now!" Interrupting Yeosang question, He looked at me in question as he did what I ask.
When Yeosang turn the tracker on. We both looked at the monitor as I was looking for Y/n marker. As I soon a the marker that was Y/n. I was surprised to see that she was heading to the city.

"We need to go now!"

Y/n POV:

"I will not let anymore harm the guys again" I said to myself as I snuck my way into the city and head to the place I call hell, My 'old house'. As I arrive and snuck into my parents house. I head to my father office and unlock the gun cabinet. I knew the password and codes to get into certain things of his cause he was drunk the once time and blurted out the codes. Taking the gun I was gonna use, I walked into the main living room where both of the parents were at. " Where the fuck you came...Shut the fuck up!" I growled at my mother who spoke as I pointed the gun at both of them. Both of my parents were very surprised to see that I have a gun knowing it was my father gun.

"You wouldn't dare!" My father glared at me as I saw how fuck up he look after Mingi gave him one hell of a beating. "I been wanting to do this for a long time" I glared at him as I pointed the gun at my father. "You nearly killed my boyfriend, now you'll feel his pain!" I growled as I pointed the gun to my father legs and shot both of them. The painful scream he let out as with my mother being mortified by the action was scared to move.
As I was about to do the same to my mother. Someone wrap their arms around my waist and grabbed my my gun. "Y/n stop!" I heard as it was Seonghwa behind me with Yeosang taking my gun away. "LET ME GO, THEY NEED TO PAY!" I struggle to break free but Yeosang took my face into his hand and had me look at him. "Y/n please, your not yourself" Yeosang said as he and Seonghwa were both shaking.

I looked at him to see how scared and worried he was. Before I could say something, I saw my mother with a knife about to stab Yeosang. "Move!" Breaking Seonghwa hold and moving yeosang out of harms way. I was able to grab my mothers arm before she could hurt anyone. "You bitch!" Mother struggled to try and stab me but I ended up knocking the knife out of her hand. My anger came back when she try to harm Yeosang and so I ended up breaking her arm which cause her to scream in pain.

"Mess with me or my boyfriends again and I'll make sure either one of you is 6 FEET UNDERGROUND!" I growled before Seonghwa and Yeosang drag me out of the house. I know I was gonna get a heavy scolding from both of them when we get back to the base. Before I could say anything. Seonghwa and Yeosang pulled me into their arms as we hide in an alleyway.

"Please don't do that again, we could've lost you" Seonghwa said in a break sob voice. I soon started to break down crying from all the overwhelming emotions. I finally got my revenge on my parents for all of the trouble they cause. I knew I couldn't kill them cause I didn't have the guts, if Seonghwa and Yeosang didn't stop me.

I would have ended my parents lives

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