Chapter 20 Mother's final encounter

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Three days later

July 22th

The factory

Mingi POV:

Being in the factory is a bit on edge for Y/n. The first time Y/n and San were chased by the guards and ended up diving into the ocean to get away. The second time was dealing with Y/n father who almost ended Wooyoung life. San said that today was the last day we'll come here since he was gonna move everything to the warehouse after our last attack coming up soon. "We're just getting the last of the supplies here then we can go, we don't need another incident here" San said as Y/n, San and I went to the room where the supplies were at.

As we got to the room and started packing what San plans on taking with him. I look to see Y/n all quiet when she looked at the computer monitor. "N/n?" I walked over to Y/n as San turn to see what was the matter. Gently placing my hand on Y/n shoulder, I felt her jump a little as she turn to look at me. "You alright, you have gotten quiet all of the sudden" I asked since Y/n as been going back and forth a lot of being quiet whenever we are in a particular spot.

"I'm alright, I just watching the cams in case someone appears in the factory again" Y/n said as she place her hand over mine before she looked at the monitor again. "We shouldn't be long to get the necessary things I need for the warehouse" San said as he zip a bag he filled before starting another one. Letting Y/n watch the cams. San and I manage to get the bags filled without a alarm going off for once. Once the three of us manage to grab the bags, we quickly left before anyone else decided to cause some kind of incident.


Taking one of the bags from San. We left the factory and snuck our way back to the base. Since the factory was close to the city, the guards will patrol the factory soon. When we pass the border like always, I let out a sigh of relief as we're out of the city. "Now we don't have to return to the factory anymore, everything can now be moved to the warehouse so let get going" San gently took my hand in his while Mingi took my other hand as we head back to the base.

As we arrive to the base. San went to have a talk with HongJoong while Mingi and I place the bags we have carried to the workbench. "How did your guys trip went?" We heard as I turn to see Wooyoung walking over to us. "We manage to get everything without a problem surprising" Mingi said as I nodded my head in agreement. "That good at least, Yeosang all of us to meet him in his computer room" I tilt my head as Mingi and I looked at each other before we followed Wooyoung to Yeosang computer room.

In Yeosang computer room. Everyone except San and Hongjoong were in the room. "What's going on Yeo?" I ask when Yeosang turn his chair to see Mingi and I with Wooyoung. "Look to the screen" Yeosang said as he got up and turned on his big screen that shows multiple cams and such. "So all of these cams view parts of the city from different angles. Look at this one in the right" Yeosang point out as we all look at the cam that view towards some buildings.
Paying close attention. I realized that it was a cam viewing my old neighborhood. "It's my old neighborhood, What about it?" I was confused to why Yeosang was show us this.

"Watch closely" Yeosang did a few buttons before the screen in front of us change. We all were shock from what he was showing us. "What the fuck" Yeosang revealed that cam to be the one outside of the city pointing towards the base direction. "Seems like their not far behind to finding us"
We heard as all of us turn to see Hongjoong and San walking towards us. "Looks like we're gonna have to get a move on before they try something" Hongjoong said as Yeosang nodded his head and does his hacking which cause the cam to go out.
As that happened. I look at another cam and saw my mother walk out of the city with some kind of weapon. "Looks like their not the only problem" San walked up next to me as he looks at what I was seeing. "This woman doesn't quit does she" San was annoyed since he knows what my mother is like when he first met her. When the others saw what we were looking at, I let to go deal with her cause I had enough.

San POV:

When I saw Y/n left the room. I quickly followed not knowing someone was following me. "Where are you going?" I heard Mingi behind me as I kept walking. "To back Y/n up cause I know what she's gonna do" Mingi understood what I meant as just kept following me. As we got outside and followed Y/n to confront her mother.

Y/n just kept walking. It was a bit of a walk from where we were. Soon The three of us stop when we saw a figure appearing in front of us.

Y/n POV:

As ready as I was to face my mother. I watch as she appears and looked at not only me but at San and Mingi as I know they were behind me. "When will you stop Anna, haven't you had enough embarrassment for once" I said to my mother who real name I addressed. "Aren't you a confident bitch, bet you feel all powerful and mighty after what you did to your father and I" My mother grit her teeth as she had her broke arm in a cast. "I had guilt for going extreme for what I did but I don't fill sorry for the resolve it came out to be" I said as my mother growled in anger before she smirk.

San and Mingi got defensive when my mother was ready to do something. "That's too bad, thing would have been like this if only you would have been an obedient girl like you were supposed to!" Anna my mother said as she held a knife out. I only had my bare hands be I was more quiet then she was. "You better then twice if you think I came alone" Mingi, San and I got defensive when suddenly more people appeared around us. It was a fucking ambush!

"Let's see if you three can get out of this one"

(Part 1 is done, part 2 will be out soon"

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