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Jacob pulled onto the tarmac, Sage on the back of his dirt bike. Jacob threw down the kickstand, climbing off of the bike, assisting Sage.

She pulled her helmet off, shaking the hair out of her face. Pope, Cleo, Sarah, and John B we're all there, they were just missing two people.

"Where's JJ and Kie?" Sage asked, and Pope sighed.

"Kie never showed, so JJ went to go get her." Pope explained, and Sage nodded. "Real question though, what's Jacob doing here?" Pope asked, and John B chimed in.

"Yeah, just curious." John B said, giving Jacob a bro shake.

"My presence is the only way Sage is allowed to go on this little 'adventure' with you guys." Jacob said, throwing up finger quotes.

"Oh, okay. Does he know everything?" John B asked, and Sage nodded, plopping down next to Pope on the stairs of the jet.

John B's ringtone sounded, and he stepped off to the side to answer.

"What? You're kidding." John B said into the phone. "Dude, we don't have eight hours. We gotta go!" John B exclaimed, which caught all of the Pogues attention.

"Yo, what's going on!" Pope called out, and John B hung up the phone, sliding it into his back pocket.

"I'm gonna kill him." John B said, pacing around the tarmac. "Kie's parents took her to the wilderness camp, he's a 'problem solver' so he's going to figure it out." John B said sarcastically.

"No shit? There's no way she went voluntarily." Sage pointed out, and Sarah nodded in agreement.

"So her parents kidnapped her?" Cleo asked, and John B shrugged. He sat down next to Sarah, who took his hand in hers.

"Guys, I can't just sit here for eight hours. I have ADHD." Sage groaned.

"Trust that sooner or later she'll be making laps around the tarmac." Jacob chuckled, and Sage punched his shoulder harshly.

"For your information, that giant puddle of water over there has been begging for me to jump in it." Sage said, and Jacob laughed. A familiar Jeep pulled onto the tarmac, and Sarah tensed.

"Oh shit." Sarah spoke, quickly standing on her feet, and putting herself between John B and Topper.

"Oh hell yes, this is exactly the type of entertainment I need." Sage said, evilly rubbing her hands together.

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