Chapter 11

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Dean steps out in front of me, I back away a little
"I'm sorry did you say dating? Sam I'm sorry but do you remember the last time you started dating? Ruby? Oh yeah DEMON! Son of a bitch Sammy again? I pray th--
Just then Dean was cut off by Cas flying in. " you called ?" He asks innocently "no no I said prayed" Dean says annoyed "I don't understand that" Cas says confused "ITS A GODAMN EXPRESSION" Dean yells
Cas leaves
Rose steps up to Dean, I walk forward a little but Dean puts his arm back to signal me to step away
" oh so this is Dean. I see what you mean Sammy, protective much?"
Rose says fiercely
I step up to Rose "hey watch your mouth, sure he's a bit protective maybe even overprotective" then I look back at Dean who's staring at me like "this is suppose to helping?"
"Back to what I was saying, I continue he is an awesome brother so leave him outta it" I honestly don't know what came over me but I felt like it needed to be said.
Dean walks beside me and slips his arm around me. " well if we are getting things off our chests here Al and I are together"
I look at him confused, I don't remember him asking me out besides the whole car deal.. Wait was that his way of asking me out. All I can do dumbfounded was nod
"Well this is a shocker, anyway I'm glad we got this out of the way" Sam says awkwardly..
Dean looks at me and whispers "we gotta go and talk follow my lead" as I go and say something he starts "well Bobby, Sammy, bitch" I slap Dean again in the stomach "I mean Rose right? Well al and I gotta do a case in Nebraska a wendigo right al?"
I play along against my better judgment "yup a wendigo"
So I went upstairs and seen Rose was following me, I ask her
"What's gotten into you rose"
" What do you mean Alice"
"Okay well first of all standing up to Dean like that? Where did that come from" I ask her
" I don't know actually"
"Well I gotta pack catch you later" I say coldly
"Bitch" she replys
I can't believe that just happened I mean we were such good friends like best friends, if I didn't know any better I would say she's possessed but I mean Sam has to be smarter then that right? After the whole ruby and demon blood insident. I continue up the stairs to pack. I grab my moms old journal as she was a hunter was well. I grew up into the business.
I hear Dean walking up the stairs "you ready shorty?"
"Yeah babe I'm ready"
"Oh babe now? Have we gotten that far?" he asks with a smile
" I think we have" I say
We walk down the stairs, I say goodbye to Bobby and hug him, he tells me to watch Dean. I'm sure against Dean and Roses wishes I hug Sam as well. He tells me to be careful and check in

With that Dean leads my out of the house..

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