Unexpected sickness

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"Looks like we have a winner!!" Yuna said

I took off the headset and blindfold and see everyone staring at me

"LET'S GOO SAINT" I heard mellow yell

"SAINT, SAINT, SAINT" everyone else cheered

Yuriko and Miroslava came out 10 minutes later

I greeted them and they cheered me on too

If this is how it feels to be a winner then I don't even want to feel the feeling of loosing again

Saint's POV

I woke up and I didn't feel good so I told my mom I didn't want to go to school
She told me to rest today so that's what I have been doing

*Where you at?* Mellow texted me

*I didn't come today* I texted back

*You not feeling good?* He texted me

*Hell nah come take care of me* I texted him

*Wish I could but you know my dad doesn't play about skipping school* he texted back

I replied with *I know* and put my phone down

I turn over in my bed and went to sleep

Mateo POV

"She's not coming she doesn't feel good" I told Yumeko and Mary

"What's wrong with her?" Yumeko asked concerned

"she looked fine yesterday until after she did that gamble with yuriko and
Miroslava" Mary said

"You think they did something to her?" Yumeko asked

"Nah it's no way they both looked as clueless about the game as saint did" I said

"Maybe you're just overthinking" Mary said eating some fries

"Maybe but you have to be careful with those quite ones"  yumeko Said

I shake my head at the thought

"Saint will be fine I'm sure of it" I said

I just hope she gets better soon

Kirari POV

"Where is Saint?" I ask Sayaka

"She didn't come today" she said

"Why?" I asked

"I overheard she was not feeling well so she didn't come today" she said

"Hmm that's strange she looked like she was fine yesterday" I said tapping my chin

"Yeah it is strange president but im sure she will be well soon" Sayaka said

"Hope your right" I said

A knock was heard at the door Sayaka went to open it and Sachiko Juraku and Mikura Sado walked in

"To what do I owe the pleasure ladies?" I asked

"We came to bet on the next gambles saint will be in" Sachiko spoke

"Why would that interest you?" I questioned

"She seems valuable to you and everyone at this school so I want a piece of that" she said taking a seat

"Hmm" I said tapping my chin

"We also want to bet on her gambles" Tsuzura Hanatemari said with Yukimi Togakushi following her

This is getting interesting

"How much are y'all tryna bet?" I ask

"Depends on who she will be gambling with" Sachiko spoke

"Her next match will be with Yumemi Yumemite and Sumika Warakubami" I said

"Interesting, I'll bet 200 million she will loose" Sachiko said

"We'll bet 1.7 million she will win" Yukimi spoke

"Okay and what if you loose the bet what will you be giving up?" Sayaka asked Sachiko writing everything down on her clipboard

"I'll become a house pet for 24 hours" she said

Mikura face widen with shock

"Okay and what about you guys?" Sayaka asked Yukimi and Tsuzura

"We will do the same" they both said

"Okay then the bets are on" I said

"Great when will the gamble start" Sachiko asked

"Whenever saint gets better she has become sick so she isn't here today" I said honestly

"Well hopefully she gets better" Tsuzura said

I nodded

"You all will be informed when she comes back to school this meeting is dismissed" I said

They left

I really do hope she gets better I miss her already

"We have a problem " Yuriko said coming in with the student council following

"What is it?" I ask

"Saint has been hospitalized" she said

"What do you mean?" I asked

"She's in a coma" midari said

I felt like my whole world crashed

"What happened?" I asked

"She's been poisoned" Yuriko said

Whoever did this will pay

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