Chicago (Stage Version)

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**Implied avoided sexual harassment
Chronology : Post-canon
Pairings : Velma/Roxie
Author's note : Updating how I title these. It's just gonna be the fandom and if there's a repeat fandom then there will be a # next to it

Velma arrived backstage a little later than she was meant to, and Roxie was pissed.

"Where the fuck were you!?" she asked, exasperated. Velma wanted nothing more than to slap her across the face, but she refrained. "You were supposed to be here half an hour ago! We're on in ten minutes!"

"Yeah, sorry, I got held up" Velma grumbled, a bit more pulled back than usual, not that Roxie cared all that much at that moment.

"What could've possibly held you back for thirty minutes?"

"What do you care?"

"Well, I care because you're my partner and you were late" Roxie scoffed. "Besides... I mean, if it's something important going on with you, I'd like to know"

"Well, that's sweet" Velma sighed. "Really, I'm fine"

"If you're fine, then tell me what happened!"

"You really wanna know?" Velma asked, sounding more and more tired by the second. Roxie nodded. "Fine. There was some creepy guy out near our hotel and he tried to approach me the first time I walked out" she explained. "So, I went back in and waited til he was gone"

"Why didn't you just kick his ass?"

"Roxie, I already went to prison once" Velma scoffed. "And as good as that was for publicity for both of us, I still get bad dreams about that place" she shivered. "I'm not going back"

"Okay" Roxie nodded, then a voice came over the small radio in their dressing room, telling them they were on in five. "You better hurry up at least"

"Yes, ma'am"

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