The Owl House

11 1 0

Chronology : Between seasons 2 and 3
Pairing : Hunter/Willow
Headcanon : They work at McDonald's

Hunter was working the front register, just taking orders and filling bags for delivery orders and the people inside.

A man came up with a simple request- He wanted a large, chocolate milkshake.

So, just as he'd done plenty of times in the past, Hunter walked over to the shake machine, put the cup into the holder, and clicked the button.

He stared at the machine as it poured, wary to hit the off button once it reached the small dash printed on all of the cups. He'd had incidents before where clicking the button to make it stop didn't work and he had to deal with a big mess, so he didn't want that to happen again.

When it reached the line, he hit the off button... Only to find it still going.

Knowing how fucked he was at that point, he frantically tried pressing the button a few times to no avail, called for help to whatever coworkers were nearby, and refocused his attention to pulling out the shake, only to find the cup was stuck.

Eventually, he got the cup out of the machine and a grumpy coworker turned it off.

His hand hurt from all the cold material on it so he awkwardly chucked the unsalvageable milkshake into a bin and turned on the nearest sink, running his hand under hot water for a moment to both deal with the awful, freezing feeling and also get the gunk off.

He tried again, this time making sure that the coworker was on standby so she could quickly turn it off in case of a repeat.

This turned out to be a good thing, since it refused to turn off again, but this time Hunter was able to quickly pull the cup out before it got too full, and the coworker turned it off, grumbling in annoyance.

He served the customer and then took the walk of shame to the mop in the back, which meant he was near Willow, who was working back cash in the drive thru, as he filled the mop bucket.

"How's it going, Hunter?" she asked with a small smile on her face- No one was in the drive thru at that time.

"The milkshake machine did the thing again" he told her, visibly stressed. She frowned in confusion- That machine had a lot of problems, so 'the thing' wasn't super helpful. "Where it didn't want to turn off"

"Oh, yeah" she chuckled. "Well, at least you seem to have dealt with it"

"I guess, but it was in front of several customers and a few of our coworkers" he muttered, keeping an eye on the slowly filling mop bucket. Lord knows he didn't want a mop water spillage on top of everything else. "And now I have to clean this up"

"You get to go on break soon" she reminded him. "I'll check on you once you do, okay?" she asked him, hoping that reminder would be sufficient in soothing his nerves.

He sighed, smiled, nodded, finished the bucket, and left to the front of the store.

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