Trigun Stampede

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**Bullet wounds
Chronology : Vaguely during season 1
Pairings : Vash/Wolfwood

Wolfwood had taken off his shirt to combat the heat and also try to brush some of the sand and gunpowder out of his clothes, so his bare back was exposed to the elements.

He didn't think much of it, but Vash was horrified to notice all the scars that littered the other man's back. Now, he wasn't surprised at all the scratches- Pretty much everyone who lived out there was covered in scars- But there was something that was very decidedly not normal.

Small, circular scars indented into his skin all across his back- Scarred over gunshot wounds.

Now, gunshot wounds were also fairly common out there but Nicholas was covered with them, as though he'd been shot hundreds, maybe even thousands of times.

"Nicholas?" Vash asked, his voice coming out a lot more shaky than he intended. The other man hummed in curiosity as he threw his head back to look at the blonde. "How many times have you been shot?"

Wolfwood's eyes widened and he suddenly turned his back to the wind, not that it did much since his front side was also littered with bullet wounds. He looked like a cornered animal or perhaps a scared little boy. Vash wasn't sure which was a more accurate comparison.

"Why the fuck do you care, Blondie?" he spat, his whole stance on the defensive. Vash frowned.

"Wolf, you're covered in bullet wounds"


"That's not normal"

"You've looked the same for the past twenty years!" Nicholas combatted. "Everyone here has weird fucking physiology! Now back off"

Vash just stood there, staring at the man. Nicholas was panting heavily and clearly scared out of his mind. "I'm sorry" the blonde apologized quietly. "You don't owe me an explanation for shit"

Nicholas just nodded and frantically began putting his clothes back on, and Vash swore never to bring it up again.

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