Chapter 6

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Student council duties. After taking over I had a singular goal in mind. To continue what my sister started. To do what she couldn't. I barely offered the idea today and it looks like I have some convincing to do. But now, standing beside the girl I came to love, looking at the laptop screen. I can't help but wonder...


"They are asking for a collaboration! This could be fun..." Yuu said excitedly after reading the email sent by Aihara Academy but she got interrupted by the look on Touko's face. "Senpai?" Yuu couldn't read that look. was it fear? anger? sadness? or was she just thinking? whatever it was, Yuu knew something was wrong.

Touko stared at the screen for what felt like an eternity before reaching to it and closing it "No" she turned around grabbing her school bag and moved toward the door all while getting confused looks from Yuu.

"Senpai wait up!" Yuu followed her in a panic barely remembering to grab her bag "What's going on?!"


I don't remember much of what happened after. All I know is that somehow I felt this proposal will drive me away from my goal. However, based on Yuu's reaction and the message I received from Hakuzaki-sensei. I know I'm wrong. I know I need to be responsible and reasonable.
Still, something keeps telling me to resent this.


"Koito-san" Touko called out to Yuu after the last class for the day "Walk with me?" Yuu nodded and they both headed to the student council.
walking between the trees Touko looked nervously at the younger girl "Yuu... about yesterday I..."

"It's ok, Senpai" Yuu said giving her a sweet smile "I know you have a good reason for your decision" They got closer to the building and Yuu felt anxious about asking the following question "But don't you think this should be discussed with the others?"

Touko gave a sigh of relief and reached for the door smiling "Well..." she opened the door for Yuu to go in first "This is what today is for" They entered to find Sayaka sitting on the table reading a book.

"Saeki-senpai!" Yuu got surprised to see her so early. they just finished classes and thought they are way early. but she knew how organized and elegant she is.

Sayaka closed her book and look at them "I suppose you already have a decision on your mind, Touko?" based on what she knows and how she can see through her friend. She knew the moment she saw the email.

"geez not even a hello?" Touko said taking a seat. she was preparing herself mentally for the next discussion and honestly, she didn't know what to say.

"Hello, Koito-san" Sayaka said smirking making Touko pout.

"you know about the email too, Saeki-senpai?" Yuu moved to prepare drinks for her and her friends not noticing the confused look from Sayaka.

"why wouldn't I? it's a shared email address" She looked at Touko seeing her wide eyes getting nervous "And I'm guessing our reliable president didn't tell you about it"

Touko turned to Yuu closing her eyes and holding her hands together "Sorry about that Koito-san!"

Yuu giggled grabbing the tee she made and putting one in front of each one "It's ok Nanami-senpai"

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