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 "Sirius?" I called him enthusiastically

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"Sirius?" I called him enthusiastically.

"hmm?" he said.

"we are starting Hogwarts, isn't it great?"

"yeah, I am planning on pissing off my parents so bad."

"same. TWINS" he smiled.

"I hope Reggie will be okay without us. I mean who would annoy him now, that we are gone"

"I know, right?" he laughed, but I felt him being little sad.

"hey, it's okay. Reggie is more clever than you" I said to him. he rolled his eyes on me.

"oh, shut up. maybe he is clever but I am still more handsome" we started laughing so hard about his face.

"Yeah, whatever makes you sleeps at night" he looked at me with frown as I laughed harder.

"Mia, Sirius? can you guys be serious once, you guys are already starting school"  my mom said.

"Mrs. Santos what are you talking about? I am always Sirius." we started laughing so hard. I even crashed into boy, who looked really sad. I apologized. he seemed sick. I really felt bad.

we needed to get on the train. so we said goodbyes to our parents and get on the train. Sirius' parents weren't really friendly types, neither were mines but, my parents were probably angels compared to his, especially Mrs. Black. she was devil.

  Sirius looked a bit upset because they didn't really hugged him or anything. I knew they were abusing him. They were quite bad parents.

When we get on the train, I hugged him really tightly and he hugged me back. He had tears in his but he didn't let it come.

"what was that for?" He didn't wanted to admit that he wanted to hug his parents and he felt sad about it.

"No reason, I just wanted you to know that I love you" he hugged me again and when he saw other kids, he let me go. Didn't want everyone to know how soft he was in his heart.

I smiled and pinched his cheeks. He hated when I was doing that.he groaned and said.

"Don't forget that I am older than you"

"Oh, that doesn't matter because, my mental age is older that yours" I laughed at him.

"every cabin is already full, wait there it is." Sirius opened cabin door. there were sitting three boys. it seemed like two boys knew each other. oh, third boy was the boy, I crashed earlier.

"hey, can we come in? every cabin is full" the all looked at us.

"yeah, of course, your name?" the boy with glasses asked, after we sat.

"Sirius, Sirius Black."

"what about yours gorgeous?" he looked me. me and Sirius raised eyebrows. But I smiled.

"Mia Santos" I looked at little boy.

"oh, well. this is Peter and I am James. we are neighbours and this is Remus..." he pointed at boy in front of him.

"lupin, Remus lupin" he caught and looked at us.

"well, Remus I apologize again for earlier. Sirius here can't be serious here for a minute" I said with sarcasm. Sirius looked at me, like I slapped him in face.

"what are you talking about? I am always Sirius" I rolled my eyes at him. we laughed, even Lupin smiled a little.

"oh, shut up! what did you say? what was your name?" now I turned to boy with glasses.

"James Potter. why?"

"oh, our parents said not to talk to you. So you guys wanna be friends?" I asked. James and Sirius smirked like Cheshire cat. I looked at Peter and Remus. Peter looked at James, then nod. Remus nodded because, he thought, they would forgot about him soon.

"So what do you guys think? what houses will you get in?"

"probably Slytherin. Because my parents will kill me, if I won't" Sirius laughed nervously.

"same." I said.

"well, I am sure, I'll be in Gryffindor" James said confidently.

"I am thinking of Hufflepuff" Peter said. we all looked at Remus.

"oh, uh. I don't really know lot about houses" It was obvious he didn't like talking.

" oh, well, if you are brave you will probably get into Gryffindor, if you are clever into Ravenclaw, if you are loyal Hufflepuff and if you are snake, literally into Slytherin." James said and I frowned

"Hey, that's not truth, if you are ambitious, like me, you'll get into Slytherin"

"Yeah, right just most of evil wizards and witches are from Slytherin"

"That doesn't mean everyone in Slytherin is evil"

"Yeah right" James said and rolled his eyes.

"let's make a bet" I said

"A bet?" Potter asked me surprised.

"Yes Potter, a bet. If you are so sure of that, I will prove you wrong, when I'll get in Slytherin"



Peter looked a bit scared, not knowing what to do. Sirius was talking to Remus with non stop, but it seemed like boy was still listening to him. So I didn't say anything.

"imagine my mothers face, if I'll get in Gryffindor" Sirius told me  and I laughed and looked out of window. She would definitely kill him.

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