Chapter Two

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Beep. Beep.


Beep. Beep.

"What?" I grumbled sitting up. The room blurred slightly as I woke up, and I sat there staring at the wall for a few seconds.

Beep. Beep.

I realized it was morning and I kicked my legs off the side of my bed, stretching. I just got a new alarm clock, and am still getting used to the awful thing.

Beep. Beep.

"Shut up you blasphemous thing!" I yelled drowsily at the alarm, bringing my right hand down on the clock. Pain shot through it when I realized what I had done, my cast ricocheting off the plastic alarm. With a yelp I scrambled from the bed, not paying attention to the sheets tangled around my ankles, I started the dance.

It's not a real dance, actually I don't know why I do it. Whenever I feel pain, instead of walking it off, I dance it off. Not a cute little shuffle or jig, no I straight up jump around in circles while holding the injured body part. In this case my arm. So I was now jumping around my bedroom groaning as I cradled my wrist to my chest.

Beep. Beep.

That was the last straw! I ripped the cord from the wall, throwing it down before I drug myself downstairs to the kitchen, where my empty lunch box sat next to Luke's. Opening the fridge door and ignoring the headache that felt like a ferret doing cartwheels in my skull I searched for Luke's lunch and moaned when I noticed we were out of deli meats. So I just went to the cupboard and fixed Lucas a peanut butter and jelly, hoping he wouldn't be too upset. Making our lunches was a quick ordeal, and I did it silently for the most part, and then went back upstairs and finished getting ready.

"Charlotte, can I have orange juice in my lunch box, lemonade is too...icky tasting," Luke asked, standing in the doorway as I curled my long brown hair into soft natural looking rings.

"Sure thing kid, but you can do that yourself, just switch out the bottles from your lunch box, I'll be down in a minute," I told him, standing up to grab my hoodie and shoes.

Downstairs Luke had left the lemonade bottle on the counter, but took both our lunches. I sighed and put the drink back in the fridge and headed outside where Luke was standing outside my car waiting patiently.

"Thanks rugrat," I said appreciatively. Hastily, I unlocked the car and stepping in, while Luke scrambled into the backseat. Before I got my license last year, I got a ride to school from my mom, but had to ride the bus back because my mom worked late sometimes. Now Luke is in school I got stuck with transporting him to school in exchange for my insurance and fuel, but he is in kindergarten so he gets out way before me. Not that I'm lazy, but I'm going for an honors diploma and valedictorian so my schedule is filled. It's actually so filled I can't get a job, and I don't usually skip school. Yesterday was the first day I missed school all year and it's been roughly four months in. Actually, I think all last year I didn't miss one single day.

I dropped Luke off at the elementary school, having to sign one of the movie permission slips they required to watch a movie, and know from experience they don't care who signed it so long as it wasn't an elementary schooler themselves. He should have had Mom sign it but it's okay that he forgot, happens to the best of us, I suppose. I just told him not to let it become a habit.

I finally reached my own school, parking in the space I had to pay for each year as a student. For some reason they force you to hand over a hundred so you could be assured a student parking space. I actually think I am one of the few who actually follows that rule. Gathering my things for class I exited my car and rushed to the front doors, the wind trying to give me whiplash. I got through the doors and went straight for my locker, tossing my bag on the hook and picking up my calculus book and notebook, and slammed my locker a lot louder than I intended with my broken wrist, making it throb worse. Startled at my self, I started walking for Mr. Torrent's classroom, ignoring the whispers I was getting. I'm never in the spotlight or attention of anyone, so this sudden drama burst of me falling off a roof made me incredibly uncomfortable.

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