Milk + Cookies

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Just now, I woke up and this blue room, It feels...cold.

"Y/n , are you away?"

I can hear a voice, yet I don't recognize it. "Where am I?

"You're at Carousel mental hospital "

It was over a speaker, no one was coming for me, I was all alone. Now this made me angry. I walked up to the frozen door feeling the jiggle of the door knob stuck. Why? I just want to be done with enverone;s bullshit.

In the center of the room was a small blue table, the perfect size for a 6 year - old child, like me. There stood an ice blue piece, a piece of paper having my name written all on it. The note read out:

'Milk and cookies at 11pm. No later or else'.

I was trapped in here and I had no way out. I looked at the clock, already reading 8:30pm. 2 and half hours till whoever comes for me. Well I better start with that spoiled milk.

There were eggs in the fridge while the chocolate chips, flour and vanilla were quietly in the cupboards. They should've known I'm fucking crazy to do anything like this . My cookies having a little sugar and lots of everything too.

I mixed the dough prior to adding their bland vanilla, hearing the monitor taunt and laugh at me. "Hurry up~, you 've nearly an hour left n/n."

As I hear him laugh quietly as the phone rings in the background. Maybe this was my chance to find a way out, but I found something better. The bottle was small, but thankfully cyanide smells like almonds.

It was like pouring magic into a pot of spells. The blue color dissolved any of its recognition. I'm just hoping no one saw, placing the sticky cookie dough on a tray.

45 minutes till I find this criminal. I'll make him pay for the shit they gave me.

I wait for my cookies to rise, hear the bell of the time call my name. I had 5 minutes left as I carefully placed the treats on a blue plate filling up a glass of milk, ¼ from the top.

These cookies were different from anything else I had made. Nothing but flour, sugar milk and everything else to make a batch, but most of the sugar was gone, half a bag of flour and no measuring cups. It seems I wasn't the only one here before.

"Time up Y/n".

He walked in and I didn't know him one bit. He was simply just a wolf in sheep's skin. How pathetic. I had the chocolate cookies on the table, the milk off and his cheap grin staring at me.

"You know, you're not the only one I have helped get better, though all of them didn't want my help so they all broke."

I listened to his rant but found no interest in anything he said. O held back my smile as he ate the cookies slowly Starting to cough. I watched and said nothing while he choked on the treat.

" You know doc, they might have all broken, but I'm not some basic bitch."

Leaning forward I stared at him while he grabbed his neck and the milk, I pulled it away before he could touch the glass.

"What did you do to me?"

"Well I added flour, a little bit of sugar, baking soda, spoiled milk, but over all a lot of poison too! You should really be better than this, if you out lasted all your other patients, though I'm grateful for you messing up. Here's your prize Doc."

I poured all the milk on him, his weak body unable to do anything more. Celebrating his failure and my success, quietly saying good night as I locked the door behind.

The last thing I did was sing him a lullaby as he died in the end.

CryBaby Haikyu!! x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now