Exams time ! part 2

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poland pov

when i got to class i sat down and the teacher went on a boring lesson about musical shit. i just pretended to take notes but really i was just drawing space stuff lkke the moon or the sun.
When the bell rang i quickly packed my stuff and went to my next class where i would have my 1st test of the day.
it was biology, but thanks to japanios help i became better at it and started the test.
i would say i did good but i dont wanna be too confident.
i went to my next class and did a math test, i think i did decent atleast but eh u could never know.
I then went to the cafeteria finally.
I took out my snacks and water and my friends ame, rosja, japanio, czechia, ukraine sat down on the table and when japan sat down next to me she said

japanio: u like germany dont you ?

i reply to her

what  ? no i dont.

japanio: it will become true one day.

i reply by saying

mmhm i dont see that shit happening.

we then talked about the stuff that happened and how we did on our tests according to us. i finished my lunch and so did they. I wave goodbye and walk to my next class where i have actual class not just a test or someting. The new teacher actually aint bad. This class seems really interesting now. I actually took notes this time instead of drawing someting on my notebook. I then put my stuff back in and head to my final and hardest test. Chemistry......... i find it difficult for me for some reason. I just dont know how and why.

teacher: alright are your tables cleared ?

everyone: yes, yes miss, yup
teacher: if you drop anyting tell me dont just pick it up alright ?

everyone: yes miss.

when the alarm rang and the test started i was writing and circling when my pencils front broke. No problem i had another backup pencil. When i tried to pick the pencil up it fell on the floor. i wanted to ask thw teacher to get it for me but i didnt want all the attention going towards me. KURWA KURWA KURWA KURWA KURWA KURWA KURWA KURWA KURWAAAAA i thought to myself. I felt defeated and down but when germany saw me (he was sitting next to me and i just noticed) he dropped hes mechanical pencil on the ground on purpose. i thought to myself
what the ? whats he doing....  then he said
neimcy: Uh miss i dropped my pencil on the floor could u pick it up ?

teacher: alright then.

the teacher walked towards my table and picked up 2 pencils from the floor. She gave germany hes pencil and then she said

teacher: poland is this pencil you'res ?
ur the only one here not using a mechanical pencil.

i told her

Uh yeah its mine, thanks.

tsk tsk tsk she said and walked off.
i whispered quietly to germany

thanks u just saved my ass.

neimcy:no problem.

and when i started doing the test i saw that he needed a pencil and i split my eraser in half and dropped it on the ground.
he noticed what i was doing and he said

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