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No-one's POV

A young boy sat alone in the corner of the orphanage's courtyard. His snowy white hair made him stick out, and he was often made fun of. But it wasn't just his hair, many of the kids liked to spread around rumors about him and who his true parents were.

One of the kids stopped playing and turned to the lone orphan.

Kid: Hey, what's up with him?

Kid 2: Oh, Y/n? Don't bother talking to him, his mom's a prostitute

The two continued playing ball, laughing happily.

Y/n turned to them. No-one ever wanted to play with him. He should be used to this kind of treatment, but it hurt with every word that left their mouth. The white haired boy attempted to console himself.

Y/n: Jerks.. I don't need them, I'm... I'm.. I'm talking to myself... Maybe they're right, I am a freak....

Y/n sat there, isolated from the others. He longed for someone, anyone to talk to him. Even a "Hello" would be great. Y/n felt unwanted. The other kids looked at him with distain, the caretakers tended to avoid him and his own parents had left him in this hellhole before he could even speak.

Soon, it was time for lunch. As Y/n started walking, he was pushed past and knocked to the ground, getting a faceful of floor. One of the kids stopped and turned back to Y/n.

Kid: Watch where you're walking there, grandpa! Hahahaha!

The white haired boy looked up at him, clenching his fist. He probably would've gotten into a fight if someone didn't cut in.

Young girl: Leave him alone, Todd! At least he can read!

The other kids turned to Todd and laughed, causing him to blush in embarrassment.

Todd: W-Whatever! I don't have to take this!

The boy ran to get his lunch and the others did the same. Y/n got up, dusting himself off with a sigh

Young girl: Are you alright? My name's Kyrie!

She looked at him with a warm smile

Y/n: Uh.. Y-Yeah.. I'm Y/n

Kyrie: I'm gonna go get some lunch, see you around Y/n!

He stood there, amazed. Someone.. Actually talked to him. And stood up for him. Y/n was about to follow her but was confronted by a boy. He was slightly older than him, by a year or two at least.

Boy: So, you like Kyrie, do you?

Y/n: I only just met her! But she's nice, I guess.. Why?

Boy: She's my sister, so don't get too friendly with her, alright? The name's Credo

Y/n: Credo, huh? Not a bad name. Uh.. My name's Y/n. Can I hang out with you and your sister? Not many people like me....

Credo: I suppose we can hang out, if you're that desperate. But you hurt her, I'll kill you

Credo spoke in a serious tone before laughing.

Credo: Alright, now, come on. Let's get something to eat.

The white haired boy smiled, racing Credo inside for some soup. It seemed that maybe Y/n wouldn't be alone. The boys sat down at the table, joined by Kyrie.

Kyrie: Oh, Y/n! I see you've met Credo. I'm surprised he didn't beat you up or anything

Credo: Now why would I do that?

Kyrie: Everytime I get a male friend, you go nuts and threaten them. He didn't threaten you, did he, Y/n?

Y/n: Uhm...

He thought about his reply, seeing Credo staring straight into his soul.

Y/n: Nope, not at all!

Kyrie: Wow, he didn't? Good job, Credo!

Then, she gave him a bright smile. That smile could probably melt the coldest of hearts and was difficult to look away from. The boys found themselves smiling back at her then shared a laugh, continuing to talk for a while.

Couple hours timeskip, at night

In a neighboring forest, multiple devils emerged. They spotted the orphanage and began approaching it. Afterall, what better way to get fear than from children?

The sound of glass shattering and claws scraping against the concrete filled the air as the devils descended upon the orphanage. The other children cowered in fear and were hurried into the attic by the caretakers, but not Y/n. He stood his ground, fists clenched and eyes narrowed as he faced the horde of demons. It could have been stupidity, or fearlessness, but Y/n had been filled with a determination like no other.

The first devil lunged at him, its sharp teeth bared and claws extended. But the boy was quick, ducking under its attack and delivering a swift kick to its midsection. The devil stumbled back, but more were already coming.

Devil: Hmm, this one's got guts! Let's spread 'em all over the place once we're done with him!

Y/n: Credo.. Take Kyrie and get out of here.. I.... I can hold them off!

Credo: But, they're-

Y/n: Just do it!

Credo hesitated but nodded, grabbing Kyrie's hand and trying to hide with the others. The white haired boy fought with all his might, dodging and striking with inhuman speed. He punched, kicked, and even headbutted the demons, refusing to back down. The other children watched in awe from their hiding places as he held off the horde single-handedly.

But Y/n was not unscathed. One devil managed to slice his arm with its claws, leaving a deep wound that pulsed with a demonic energy. Before he could yell, a familiar voice cried out in pain.

Young girl: Y/N!!!

It was.. Kyrie! She had been injured by a devil that seemed to represent the fear of needles.


With renewed fury, he charged at the devils, his wounded arm now glowing with an otherworldly light. The demons hesitated, unsure of what was happening. But the boy did not hesitate, slamming his fist into the ground, unleashing a powerful blast of energy that sent them flying back. The white haired boy dived through the air, pinning the needle devil down and begun swinging at it with all his might till it's skull caved in.

Y/n stood tall, breathing heavily but triumphant. The other children looked at him with newfound respect and slight quite a bit of fear, realizing the true strength and bravery he possessed. But the boy's victory came at a cost. From his wound, grew scales. They were scarlet and reptilian-esque. In between the scales was that otherworldly glow, a ghostly blue light.

He turned back to the others, putting a thumbs up before collapsing. It seems the adrenaline that kept him going had run it's course, and he was know exhausted, succumbing the his wounds.

Y/n: Ky..rie.... Credo..

Before he passed out, he heard something. A voice. It wasn't a child's, it probably wasn't even human. It only said one thing;

???: “Power.... Give me more power!

To be continued....

Hope you enjoyed this! Also, the inclusion of Kyrie doesn't 100% mean she's the love interest. If another character gets more votes, Kyrie'll be more like a sister or best friend than a lover. Anyway, Doppio out!

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