Chapter 6

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I wiped my face with my hands to try and get rid of the water so I could actually see something. I could feel Mr. Yeager's heart beating like crazy, that was probably because all the running he had to do while holding me. 

I didn't even realize the moment rain finally stopped hitting my skin. I felt relieved as I didn't have trouble breathing anymore and could function normally. I took a moment to look around and see we were in the college's underground garage, where professor and other workers here parked their vehicles.

It was quiet here, the only thing I could hear was Mr. Yeager trying to catch his breath. His chest rose up and down fast as he tried to shake off the wet hair that was in his face. My hand almost went up to help him, but I stopped myself on time.

"You can put me down." I said, avoiding eye contact and keeping my hands to myself. As if he didn't notice before how I've basically buried my claws into his skin while he was running. He looked down at me for a short period of time and listened. He leaned down so I could stand on my legs and held me while I regained my balance.

"Why did you do that? Now you're all wet as well" I cross my arms on my chest. My eyes traveled down his body, his wet body with clothes stuck tight on it. His coat was unbuttoned, and his dress shirt underneath was wet and wrinkled. I gulped and looked up at him, only too see him holding back his laugh.

"I don't mind getting wet" My ears melted as he said in a obviously teasing way. He saved it by continuing. "But being in wet clothing is a great way to get sick. Let's go to my car, I have spare clothes you can change into." 

I was still recovering from his words before, so I didn't even hear what he had said. I just saw he started to walk away and I followed behind him after a few seconds.

"Oh, hell" I stopped mid way, making him turn around. My bag that I tried to hide below my coat was literally soaked in water, along with all other things I had in there. I look up at him and he was fast to say.

"Good thing your assignment is not on paper." He laughed and continued walking forward. I rolled my eyes and shook my bag, water splashing everywhere before I followed him again.

We walked to what I assumed was his car. He goes behind it and opens the trunk, searching for something inside. I cringe at how I felt right now, every piece of clothing was sticking to my skin and I couldn't wait to get home and take a warm shower. 

"Here." He says and I step closer to him when he hands me a shirt and some sweatpants that were obviously too big for me.

"What will you change into?" I ask, feeling embarrassed and shy at the same time.

"I'll manage." He shuts the car trunk closed and looks at me.

"Go and change, I'll wait." He says nonchalantly, walking to the door of the driver's seat. This time I don't complain, but only nodd and went to go look for a bathroom.

When I was done, I walked back to his black BMW. It felt weird, walking to my professor who was about to give me a ride home. The car windows were tinted and black, so I wasn't able to see if he was watching me. I opened the door slowly, placing my backpack down.

I sat down on the heated leather seat, feeling warmth already. The whole car smelled exactly like him, it was like heaven for my nostrils. He starts the car and lowers the music volume, driving us out of the garage. It was still raining heavily, even some distant thunder was heard. He didn't look at me one time and didn't seem to want to start a conversation. I felt so awkward, I had to say something.

"Thank you again, Mr.-" I didn't get to finish my sentence as he interrupted me.

"Eren." He says while calmly driving.

"Sorry?" I raised my eyebrows and looked at his face.

"Mr. Yeager sounds like I'm an old man." He said and it made me smile. Of course, I hid it. It was true, it did sound like I was talking to someone way older, when he was probably only a few years older than me.

"Thank you, Eren. But I will be mostly addressing you as Mr. Yeager when in class." Even if it felt weird, he still was my professor.

"That for sure." He slides his hands on the wheel, making me look at them. His hands looked so attractive, I wasn't able to look away. I was imagining how they would look on... nevermind..

"Type in your address." He says as he clicks on the big screen his car had. I did as he said, and the way to my apartment immediately shows up.

The rest of the ride went without any of us speaking, until we got to my building. I was gaining the courage to ask him something this whole time, and I still wasn't sure if I should do it. But, he did do me a favor and I hated feeling like I was in debt to someone. So, even if I didn't really like him... I still wanted to be nice and show I was grateful. When he stops, I unbuckled my belt and decided to just ask it.

"Do you want to go in for a cup of tee?" As soon as the words left my mouth, I regretted it. I tried to cover it by continuing:

"I mean, I have some of my brothers clothes you can change into. I would feel bad if you get unwell because od me." I spoke fast, expecting him to laugh at me. I gulp, seeing him look at the time on his watch. I noticed a slight smirk on his face, which made mote sense when he spoke.

"You want to repay me so fast? I thought about giving you more assignments instead." He turns his whole face to me for the first time, and I could only laugh nervously. Why does he have to be so handsome?

"Oh, well..." I wasn't sure if he was joking or not... He laughs, showing me his perfect white teeth. It was hard for me to look away, it was something about him...

"I guess tea will work this time." He said and opened the door to get out of the car. I stayed seated for a couple of seconds taken aback, but quickly get out as well.

This won't be awkward at all...

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