Chapter 18

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A lot of time passed by since I last saw Mr. Yeager. Of course, I saw him in class, but other than that, he really stuck to my words. I didn't see him picking up Elena from work anymore, so I didn't know whether they were still together or not. I assumed they were, he was just avoiding me as much as possible. That's what Elena would want too, in the end. 

I was still with Jean of course, we were together almost all the time. He picks me up in the morning, we have classes together and he drives me home, either to mine or we go to his. I try to ignore my feelings for most of the time, because I knew he was not the one. And I knew the reason why I was with him. I felt terrible, but it has been working perfectly. Until today.

We were on Christmas break, and I was working every day. Jean had gone on holiday with his parents to visit the rest of his family. My parents lived outside of country and I had no money to book a flight and fly to them, since they were extremely expensive in this time of the year. That was okay though, they knew the situation and were always happy enough to receive a phone call. Reiner will be coming here some day before Christmas, so I won't be alone.

When I wasn't working, I was studying. I haven't realized how behind I actually was. It didn't surprise me, I hung out with Jean every day. After holidays we have an exam season, so I needed to focus on that. Today I worked from until 8 PM, and I decided to go to the library at my college after work and have a study night. 

Elena wasn't working today, so Jiwoo was with me. She had tried multiple times to talk to me about what happened with Elena, but I said no every time. I wanted to forget about it, and enough time has passed so I didn't want bringing it all back. I was afraid if I remember that moment, all my other feelings would come back with them. All of them. 

So, when the clock showed 8 PM, I went to change my clothes and said goodbye to Jiwoo. I catch a train to my collage and listen to some music on the way. It has started to snow a little, just in time for Christmas. When I was little this was my favorite time of the year, but the older I get, the more I feel normal about it. Just another day, like every other. 

As I got off the train, I almost slipped. Luckily I managed to grab to the side and hold myself. I fixed my coat and walked towards the library. It was in the same complex as my collage, but instead it being extremely crowded, right now it was empty and dark. I place my student card on the scanner so I could get inside. It wasn't very illuminated, and only few students were there as well. 

I sat down and prepared all my books. Just as I was about to start writing, the sliding door of the library opened and a group of professors walk inside. I frown and look around, noticing that everyone who was also here looked at them confused. They were all dressed in black and looked like they just came from a funeral. They were speaking quietly and after staring at them for a bit more, I get back to my studying. 

Not too long after, I heard the door sliding once again. I didn't look up this time and focused on the material I was reading, but I did hear a small commotion coming from them. Ignoring them, I flip my page and continue studying, trying to memorize as much as I could. Some time passed and the group was so quiet I forgot they were there, until someone started speaking.

"Thank you all for coming today" I stop what I was doing when I heard the voice. I look up, not believing my assumption.

"I'm glad you found the time to mourn during those happy times before Christmas and New Year's." Mr. Yeager was the only one standing, and he spoke while everyone else was looking at him. I held my breath, still not realizing what was happening.

"My father would be honored to see his colleagues gather in his favorite place on the campus, the library. As you all know, he has been working on a book for the most of his adult life, and I'm happy to be able to place the book in here, where he originally wanted it to be. That way, anyone who is interested in his life not only as a fellow professor, but as a man who has been dealing with cancer for as long as I can remember, can read it and hopefully find some reassurance" He placed a book on the bookshelf  while people awarded him with a round of light claps that died down as fast as they started. By the end of his speech, I knew what has happened. Still, I was surprised. No student knew he had cancer, he was always holding up so well. 

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