Chapter 1

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"Damn it!" I run towards my train that has already began moving. Seeing it speed up, I knew it was already too late. I'm officially going to be late for my first day of final year in college.

I let out a sigh, sitting down on one of the old benches that were provided for passenger that waited for their ride. The next one arrives in about 15 minutes, so I had enough time to calm down from all the running I did to get here.

I wasn't really the type to like sport, but I seriously expected I could run a bit more before I got tired. Guess I'll have to work on that, amongst other things.

I take out my phone from the pocket of my coat to look at myself in the black reflection. Half of my face was covered in a thick scarf I wore as it was getting colder and colder every day.

I took the chance to look at the time, it was 7:50 AM. My first class officially starts at 8 AM, but by the time I get there I'll be enough late to make a bad first impression. That was not very like me I must say, but things have changed.

I've had enough of being buried in books my whole life and only focusing on my education. Sure that is not so bad, but it had led me to the position I'm in right now - no friends, no social life, no partying and don't even ask about boyfriends. I was probably the most introverted person in this world, and I hated it. As much as I wanted that to change, it was engraved into me.

Change is something I long for now more than ever, but I know nothing would come out of it. I will attend my same boring campus, go to boring lectures and listen to old boring professors, go home and study the material and go to sleep, only to repeat the same process the other day. Other week, month, and there goes a year of me not using my young age of 24. Not like I used my teenage years anyway.

I'm not saying I hate being alone, I love it. But it gets... lonely? I don't know how to explain the feeling. Knowing I have no one in the city who I can count on, it's somehow scary. I will take the blame though, being alone was always my choice.

Anyway, I don't pity myself. I think because of my loneliness, I've become more independent. But one thing I don't like about it, it can get boring. Really boring. I just want something to happen, or someone to appear and make my life not so desperate.

I flinched when the music in my earphones suddenly changed to loud and cheery. I look down and stop it immediately, not in the mood to be happy right now. I change it to something a bit more calmer and relaxing that was fitting the weather and the time of the day.

Waiting a bit more, I scrolled through Pinterest to search for some outfit ideas. The pictures were making me realize how my clothing was not very trendy right now. Not saying I dress like a grandma, but new trends come every month and I just don't have time to keep up with it. I have to go shopping asap.

A message diverts my attention from my scrolling. It was from my boss, asking me to cover my coworkers shift today, as she fell sick. I close my eyes for a moment, my thumbs fiddling above my screen. I work a part time job at a cafe, and today was supposed to be my day off as it was my first day of college.

I bite my lower lip as I type a simple "All right" and press send. Might as well get some extra hours to raise my salary. By the time my boss replied to me, my train arrived and I hurriedly step in. I sit down on the first empty seat I see and pray to God my science professor remembers I was a good student past years, so he won't be too mad about me being late.

Thinking more of it, that man is so old, he probably won't even remember I attended his classes. I wonder how he still knows the material better then me...

The train was ironically driving slower than usual, so now I would be about half an hour late... meaning I would get to the last 20 minutes of my class, if I run. I noted to myself I should go to the professor at the end of the lecture and apologize to him.

It felt like I drove forever once the train stopped, but that was because I kept checking the time every minute. I hated being late, I hated not being perfect and I hated the attention I was about to get when I entered the lecture room.

The walk from the train station to my campus was three minutes, but with my running I got there a bit faster. I knew all the shortcuts around here, so that was of use as well. I felt my heart beating faster, and I didn't know if that was because I ran or because I was nervous. When I think about it, firsts are always the worst. And the fact that I missed half of the lecture doesn't help at all.

As I got in front of the doors, I stop and take deep breaths while fixing my hair. Let's do this, just open the door, say you're sorry and find the highest and the furthest seat from the board. One last deep breath and I place my hand on the door handle to open it.

I was about to press it down and push it forward, but it opened from the other side  before I could do that. I was a bit taken aback, staring at the person speechless. I looked behind his back to see all the seats were empty.

"Did professor Yeager already finish?" I ask the guy who was in front of me. I gulp as I quickly stare up and down at him, noticing how over-dressed he was. Most male students wear sweatpants and t-shirts, while this guy obviously had someone to impress.

"Did he say anything about me? Do you know where he went? I have to apologize to him for being late." The questions left my mouth and I look around the hall and try to see my professor. The guy was confused for a second there, but then his eyebrows lift up. He lifts up the paper he had in his hands and looks at it.

"And you would be... Miss Y/N?" His voice makes my eyes avert to him. The context of his sentence made its way to my head and I frown. Why the hell does he have a list of all students, while he is a student as well. His dark eyes stare at me, waiting for me to say something.

"I'm sorry but, who are you? I don't remember you attending my class last year." I couldn't care less about who he was, but I didn't want to be rude. His eyebrows twich up as he held back his smile, making me fold my arms and stare at him confused.

"My name is Eren Yeager, I'm your substitute science professor for this year."

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