Sorry for making y'all wait again my excuse is life but here it is! An update! This might seem a bit rushed sorry again.Also it really shocks me to see how much attention this book is getting did not think that would happen. Makes me feel bad cause of how much I suck at updating.
Jungkook remembers having a dream exactly like this.
Except the difference was it wasn't Bambam that loser who Taehyung fucked in the dream no it was Hoseok.
And at the end the setting was just like this. Too identical really. Taehyung walking away with the last word, leaving Jungkook stiff and stunned in his spot. Not being able to cough up a mutter.
Which Jungkook was about to drastically change.
"You fucked him didn't you?!"
That random out burst made Taehyung pause in his steps taking a moment to comprehend that was from Jungkook. Then he turns around to face the ravenette. "What."
"Bambam." Jungkook added making a bothered look just by saying his name. "You fucked him in this closet right."
Just what the hell is he doing.
Taehyung plastered on a smug look, amused that Jungkook was having interest all a sudden. He walks back over to the ravenette. "And so what if I did. Why would you care."
It upset Jungkook but obviously he couldn't show it. That would mean he's weak. Jungkook held back a snicker, crossing his arms. "Ah of course."
"What do you mean." Taehyung questioned, puzzled.
"So you do fuck any guy that comes your way." Jungkook replied casually then included without out meaning to in a lower voice. "Bet even when we fucked around."
Between the two.
Jungkook was surprised at himself for daring to bring that up. He thought Taehyung was just going to leave without a word, and then they'd act like the communication never happened.
"No not true." Taehyung spoke, his deep voice sent chills down Jungkook's spine. He stared at Taehyung with wide doe eyes watching the brunette take
steps toward him. Btw it was just them two in this long hallway."I didn't fuck anyone else during our..fuck buddy relationship." Taehyung let out, sounding sincere too.
Jungkook twitched his eye a bit. He wasn't believing that and he spat out. "You're lying. You can admit it."
"I'm serious Jungkook." Taehyung replied right away. "No one else had my attention only you. I would fuck just you okay."
Jungkook blinked with tight narrowed brows as he felt the beating pace of his heart start to increase. And...was that a blush threatening to spread on his cheeks..? Oh.
"Oh whatever." Taehyung suddenly scoffed switching up, this is no time to get deep anyways. "Whoever and whenever I fuck shouldn't even be any of your concern."

Fanfiction"Admit it, I've fucked the heterosexuality out of you Jeon." Straight homophobe Jeon Jungkook's plan was simple. Storm up to homosexual Kim Taehyung's dorm room aka his rival. Then beat the living shit out of him, and that's it call it a day goodni...